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Author Topic: Madvr 480p to 4k  (Read 4601 times)


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Madvr 480p to 4k
« on: January 27, 2016, 11:21:20 am »

Wondering about everyone's experience watching 480p DVDs on a 4k TV. Using Madvr through JRiver, and I have a 980Ti (HTPC doubles as gaming PC) so I'm not being choked by computational resources. However, most DVDs still look terrible in quality. I'm using NNEDIA3 with 128 neurons and various other high settings, but everything still looks so blocky and terrible. I'm not expecting a CSI episode where I can say "enhance" and quintuple the resolution from nothing, but am expecting better quality than I'm getting. Sorry, I know that is a highly subjective statement, but would like to hear others' experiences/settings/expectations, etc.


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Re: Madvr 480p to 4k
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 11:41:54 am »

GIGO, garbage in garbage out. MadVR is great, but it can't work miracles (CSI-style as you noted).

How big is your TV? I have a 1080p projector with a large screen. The difference between Blu-ray and and DVD is still quite noticeable, but I only have a 970 and probably have to use less neurons.

I know I've seen some people posting about what you're doing in the thread over at doom9, but I hate to point you there because you might have to wade through 50+ pages.



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Re: Madvr 480p to 4k
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 11:53:12 am »

I'm using a 65" 4k Panasonic. Difference between Bluray and DVD is tremendous, as it should be. But like I said some DVDs are almost unwatchable they look so terrible. I'll look around doom9 some more, but things get off topic so quickly there, it's difficult to find pertinent info.


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Re: Madvr 480p to 4k
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2016, 12:09:39 pm »

Yeah, there are always 5 different intermingled conversations going on. If you can find it, I bet somebody posted their 4k settings.

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