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Author Topic: No cover art included in file tag  (Read 2048 times)


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No cover art included in file tag
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:51:26 am »

Though I checked the respective box in 'Options' JRiver doesn't include cover art in single file tags when a picture is pasted from clipboard (all tracks highlighted, right click). It just creates (as it is also told to do) a folder.jpg in the album folder and I have to use an external tagger to complete the track files.

Is there anything I forgot to check?


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Re: No cover art included in file tag
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2015, 04:08:41 pm »

I do not have MC store album art in folder. jpg but rather in the general cover art folder. But, as you report, MC does not always store the cover art in the individual track files. To  store them in the files after importing the cover art from the clipboard, I click Cover Art again and select  Get from Internet. That gives the option to use the cover art in the library and if you select that one it then puts the cover art into the track files. You will see a message at the bottom that it is updating tags for each file. You can confirm by looking at the Image File tag and seeing if it says Inside File. I have a smart list that checks the Image File and lists any tracks that do not have Inside File. I agree, it should put them in the track files automatically , but it does not seem to be. FYI - I am on MC 20, but I doubt it has changed for MC 21.


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Re: No cover art included in file tag
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2015, 04:52:25 pm »

That's interesting.  I've been storing cover art inside FLAC files with MC from day one.  I never bothered with folder.jpg because I can't imagine ever needing it.  If it's inside the file, why would I want folder.jpg too?  MC20 and MC21 will definitely save cover art inside the file if the option is checked.  I had no idea that folder.jpg had an interaction with it.

Personally, I'd just turn that option (folder.jpg) off and see what happens.



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Re: No cover art included in file tag
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2015, 05:10:24 pm »

MC20 and MC21 will definitely save cover art inside the file if the option is checked.  I had no idea that folder.jpg had an interaction with it.

It is my experience that it does not always save it to the file, even when the option is checked. I would have to do some experimenting, but I think if you paste from the clipboard it does not save to the file.

OK, I just tried pasting from the clipboard and getting from the Internet and they both stored the cover art inside the file. But I know there are some cases when the cover art does not end up in the file. That is why I sometimes use the procedure described above. There are times MC does not write it to the file.
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