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Licensing MC from the command line


These instructions for entering the registration code from the command line are courtesy of mwillems

I thought I'd add a note for anyone wanting to use the command-line option mentioned in Bob's post. The correct command syntax is:

--- Code: ---mediacenterXX /RestoreFromFile "Media Center21 Linux-YYYYYY.mjr"
--- End code ---

(replacing the X's and Y's with the correct numbers from your specific .mjr file).


Bob's extra notes:
1) The "" are required since there are spaces in the mjr file.
2) When doing this from the command line you must be the same user as the one running MC (not root or some other user).
3) A running XServer is necessary so you need to do this from a command line either in the GUI on the machine in question or via a ssh connection with X forwarded or via a VNC or remote desktop connection.


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