More > JRiver Media Center 21 for Linux
Linux Stable repository added
If you want to follow the linux build changes a bit less on the leading edge, try the stable dist.
Using Awesome Donkeys tutorial, just substitute the word stable where you see latest.
Currently all builds in stable are 21.0.34
I did a fresh install on a new computer, but the stable repository did not work: not found! The latest repository does work. I did install the 64-bit version.
Awesome Donkey:
Confirmed, it's not working.
I'll try updating the APT tutorial this week to add the stable repository.
Can you update the tutorial and add the (correct) stable repository?
Another question: when I installed the latest/not stable version (via the command line, tutorial), how can I switch after a while to the stable version? What steps do I need to take?
Awesome Donkey:
The problem right now is the stable repository doesn't seem to be working - it 404's if you replace latest with stable. Once that's sorted, I'll add it to the tutorial.
--- Quote from: Wybe on February 24, 2016, 03:17:03 am ---Another question: when I installed the latest/not stable version (via the command line, tutorial), how can I switch after a while to the stable version? What steps do I need to take?
--- End quote ---
You won't need to do anything except run the proper commands for the stable repository. You *may* need to reinstall/downgrade Media Center to the stable version though.
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