I had a recording show up a few nights ago that is odd. According to the Recordings view in Standard View, it was recorded as part of my "NHL Hockey Boston Bruins" rule. It was only a partial recording (18 minutes) of the Pittsburgh at Washington game and didn't have the word Boston anywhere in the EPG metadata as far as I can tell.
My recording rule is setup as follows:
Search rules:
([Name] Contains "NHL Hockey"
[Series] Contains "NHL Hockey")
([Description] Contains "Boston at"
[Description] Contains "at Boston")
So this should require the EPG data to have a name or series that contains "NHL Hockey" AND a description that contains either "Boston at" or "at Boston" in the text. I'll save this recording for now in case additional info is needed.
So far, this is the only issue I've had with the new recording rules. Otherwise, they seem to have been working quite well.