Windows > Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins

Guide: Data Fiddler (MC Library <-> Spreadsheet Import/Export/Update)

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Thanks! It works.

Also, I just realized how to import by yourself a mpl playlist for several movies within JRiver :)
See this post:
The key is that Media Server has to be running.

By the way, in Data Fiddler, you have some fields wrong, eg "MediaType" should be "Media Type", and "SubMediaType" should be "Media Sub Type", see attached field for a correct mpl playlist.

Glad it works.  Where do you see "MediaType" and "SubMediaType" (I only see "Media Type" and "Media Sub Type)?

The only oddity on the naming convention I've found so far is that in MC, the primary key is shown as "File Key" but in the MPL it is marked as "Key"

My bad. I must have made the mystake myself in the txt file when I first tried your program.
The fourth option does create a mpl playlist with the same fields as the txt file. So as you write above, at least some of those have to be labelled exactly like in JRiver.

Update: 29JAN16b
- New: Added the ability to Update MC from a Tab Delimited TXT File

Updating Items in MC from a Spreadsheet:  You can now use any editor that can create a "Tab Delimited Text File" (just about anything but in particular Excel for most) and use it to update a MC Library directly.  

1. Create Your Spreadsheet (see pic) - Make sure in each cell the First Row (the Header Row) contains valid "MC Library Field" name that you want to CHANGE (non-MC Library Field names will be ignored by MC).  One of the Fields MUST be labeled "Key" and have the "FileKey" reference shown in MC.  This is an oddity, MC shows it in it's GUI as "FileKey", but Media Center Web Services (MCWS) use "Key" and hence so does the MPL and TXT files.

Add you data for each item you want to modify in the rows below.

2. Save Your Spreadsheet as a Tab Delimited Txt File

3. Run MC Data Fiddler and select "WriteInfo : Update MC Library from Tab Delimited TXT File" and when prompted select the file you created in Point 2.  Your Data should then be updated in the MC Library (see pic)

*** WARNING *** - Be careful, backup your library first as there is no Undo if something goes wrong.  Try a small update first.


--- Quote from: 8139david on January 30, 2016, 03:48:43 am ---My bad. I must have made the mystake myself in the txt file when I first tried your program.
The fourth option does create a mpl playlist with the same fields as the txt file. So as you write above, at least some of those have to be labelled exactly like in JRiver.

--- End quote ---

No Probs - you should now be able to mass import your physical Disk Library in MC withe all the data.

Let me know of any oddities!



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