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Author Topic: DLNA Series, no episode or season lables  (Read 3615 times)


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DLNA Series, no episode or season lables
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:08:41 pm »

I have more than 70 TV series, each series has its own folder with subfolders for each season. All Episodes have been renamed to contain season and episode number. An example is "Supernatural 11x01.mkv". JRiver Media Center is the only DLNA server that groups all episodes from all seasons into one series folder without season or episode numbers. A workaround I have found, is to open MC, find the episode, and rename the "Name" tag to contain the Series Name, Season, and episode. This works but does not sort them in order on the DLNA client. In the  supernatural series on the DLNA I have over 230 episodes shuffled and all in the same list with any season or episode numbers.

How do I get the JRiver Media Center DLNA server to show just the file name instead of what ever it has gleaned from the internet?

How do I get the JRiver Media Center DLNA server to separate series seasons into separate folders?



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Re: DLNA Series, no episode or season lables
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 03:46:18 am »

tools>options>media network>add or configure DLNA networks

pick your network and ...customize views

make your view to see exactly what you want



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Re: DLNA Series, no episode or season lables
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 01:00:43 pm »

This is good except for 2 things; How do I get episodes to display in separate folders?; How do I get the episodes to sort in assending order?

Supernatural series has 11 seasons, without having each season in a separate folder, there are over 230 episodes displayed, unsorted.

If the list is sorted, When season 1 episode 1 is finished playing, season 1 episode 2 will start playing.

The way it is now, their does not seem to be any sorting, I only have the first episode of season 11 and it is listed in between 2.21 and 10.24.
It makes no sense to me, how do I sort this?


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Re: DLNA Series, no episode or season lables - resolved
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2016, 03:31:51 pm »

I got it working now.
Each season in a separate folder and sorted.

use the following to get to the right place
Tools/options/media network/add or configure DLNA servers.../click on customize views.../click on series

I clicked on "Customize View..." which I thought was section title.
This opened up the customize views window where you can configure all audio, images, video, and playlist.

Under video/series I removed program and added 3 new categories:
TV Series with TVInfo(SeriesDisplay)
Season with TVInfo(SeasonDisplay)
Episodes with TVInfo(SeasonEpisode) - [Name]

I left everything at default and only changed "Expression to group by"

Update... If you want each episode in a separate folder do as above.

If you all episodes of a season in one folder then remove the episodes categories.
Then in the "Files To Display" section "Set rules for file display..." you want to set the following:
Episode is 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12 <-  select all your episode numbers from the pulldown. do not select empty
Sort by Episode (a-z) <- pulldown select sort by, click add, select a-z, select episode
this will put all episodes from a season in one folder sorted by episode.
I still have not figured out how to change the display name of each episode



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Re: DLNA Series, no episode or season lables
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2017, 10:34:35 am »

Did you find a way to change the file name?
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