hi all just trying the new feature where you press record button on remote where it goes from once recording and then subscribe then cancel this is question is mainly to do with the subscribe part and was wondering how can i change the pre start record and post start record . like this for example most other pvr software has this where you put say 3 min before show starts to record and say 3 after show stops i know you can use the subscribe config in theatre mode but i want to set this for every recording so wife can use the new record button feature as it stands it seems its defaulted to either start record on time, or 1 min before shows starts is there a way i can set this to 3 mins before and 3 mins after for all recordings i do without going to the subscribe config screen?
PS also how do i stop the show buffer or what ever it is showing up in the shows menu on the client pc i have to keep deleting it ever time i what live tv