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Author Topic: Audiolense+jriver with Focusrite rednetPci card  (Read 1794 times)


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Audiolense+jriver with Focusrite rednetPci card
« on: March 16, 2016, 02:59:51 am »

Hello, i am trying to solve this problem...
My config is Win8.1 running audiolense trough Focusrite rednetPci card to a Rednet2 Dac via ASIO (dante controller), i need 16 channels for an active multiamplified 5.1 setup, i would like to get meaurments routed through JRiver engine

Wasapi loopback doesen't work since i have no other sound card (i need anyway 16 channels), so that ASIO routing...i tryied Steiberg multiclient with no results.

Routing should be

Audiolense out---Mediacenter live in ASIO (or rednet PCI)---mediacenter out---rednet PCI

I tried VB for 8 channels (testing only 8 channels) and it opens mediacenter but audiolense doesn't work.

I tried to install also DANTE VIRTUAL SOUND CARD but it seems it share asio with rednet pci since from audiolense if i route first to DVS and try to open it says PA non available.

DANTE VIA is awesome but it disables DVS and is limited to 2 ch.

DVS can work as WDM and i have 8 stereo pairs but wasapi loopback seems not to work for 16 channels (i set same SR and asio channels every time)....should try with ASIO4all or virtual cable to route sound from stereo pairs?

Last solution i am thinking about is to buy a cheap 16 channels USB interface like bheringer FCA 1616.

so that to have independent ASIO to route this the solution before buying?

Thank you so much.


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Re: Audiolense+jriver with Focusrite rednetPci card
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 03:02:34 am »

Ah, furthermore i noticed that when i open MC with VB i see "source: 48 khz 32bit" while VB out is 48 khz 24 bit and clock in VB is shuttering not fixed to 48....can be this the issue??


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Re: Audiolense+jriver with Focusrite rednetPci card
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 05:59:09 am »

If i select JRiver ASIO in Audiolense as output, it doesen't launch MC as Vb e.g. does
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