Can the current played media file be saved when switching to another playlist ?
As a use case:
Opening the player section a number of playlists become available ; each initially numbered. Holding the mouse on the tab it saves the currently playing.
1)Save for example two playlists with music movies or whatever;
2)Select the first playlist
3)Issue playback of any file excepting the first
4)Switch to second playlist
5)Issue playback of any file excepting the first
7)return to the first playlist.
Current behavior:
-first file in the playlist is played
Expected behavior:
-the previously selected song or movie should resume playback
The nice feature of playing a file from where was interrupted becomes useful if you remember what file was played.
The feature is known in any entertainment system found even in our car as persistency ; lets us resume playback of music in our car ; gives us out last listened FM station; etc.. but i diverge
The scenarios tried is Player's preset and playlists switch.
they are available in the following folders with shots for steps and in each image i detailed the action taken:
-scenario1-switching presets in player
-scenario2-switching playlists it possible in any way to see this maturity feat in this mediacenter which delivers a lot already?