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Author Topic: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?  (Read 2633 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Hi. I don't imagine that it's possible that there is a difference going out to different dacs?

DAC A worked fine (Spotify > MC WDM >S/PDIF) then I got upgrade-itis and went to a new DAC. Since then my listening is now prone to cracks/pops/stutters; very disappointing. I've played with the recommended settings for WDM (buffering, etc.) and there has been some improvement but still happening with more frequency than with the other DAC. This is for sure a WDM problem because playing direct is fine. Is this possible that there is a difference or has something else come into play? This is straight 2-chan audio (although I do have a parametric eq in place with a single rule.) PC running MC is fast and under no load. Only other change I can think of would be a Spotify version update.



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Re: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2016, 09:27:25 pm »

I don't think there's anything you can really do with your new DAC. Does your old DAC still function correctly or was that sold as part of the upgrade-itis? :)

I went the opposite (sort of anyway) going from one USB to SPDIF converter to another and all of my pops and clicks went away. I went from the original Musical Fidelity V-Link to the V-Link 192.

Perhaps you could add a USB to SPDIF converter before your DAC?

RD James

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Re: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2016, 09:33:15 pm »

Some devices can handle smaller buffer sizes, or are more stable during playback than others.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 10:52:08 pm »

Thanks guys. RD James surely we are talking about the soundcard or USB device though? I am using the PC's onboard sound/spdif out and this hasn't changed. Or are you claiming this can affect the "receiving" device (spdif in on DAC.)

Stewart old DAC is still kicking around... I've gone to a miniDSP product though so I can do active crossovers.

RD James

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Re: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 05:51:09 am »

Oh I see, I assumed that you had moved from an S/PDIF DAC to one using a USB connection, as most DACs are USB now.
It may be that you had a marginal S/PDIF signal and the new DAC doesn't like it. (jitter, weak signal etc.)
I'd hook up the old DAC first to test and see if it works correctly.
I had problems with long toslink cables from my PC to the DAC, which worked with one device but not another. (intermittent connection or "pulsing" sounds instead of audio)
It was solved by buying an inexpensive 4x2 toslink matrix switcher off amazon. Something like this:


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Re: WDM driver > S/PDIF > problems with one dac but not other make sense?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2016, 03:14:40 pm »

are you using WASAPI from JRiver? Asio ? any other drivers in the chain? I think it pretty normal to have different settings for different DACS though.

The lower settings used for streaming video are pretty important -- especially for a good sync, but streaming just audio doesn't need them as low. If this is for audio only I'd create a new zone to test and set to WASAPI and 50 m.secs in latency leaving the buffering at 100ms.  If you have pops go down lower on the latency (but not lower than 25 to 30), before messing with the buffering.  I'm guessing but your settings for your old DAC are probably just too low for your new one .. audio only shouldn't be an issue and a direct SPDIF out I'd think. You might need a separate zone for streaming video though. Using multiple zones temporarily to fine tune from the "Overview"  I think is a big help.
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