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Audio device changes when using remote desktop into computer


When using remote desktop the regular soundcards are (as a default) not available in windows. This seems to confuse MC, as it changes the sound-card chosen in the program. Causing sound not to be played when again using the computer locally.

Open Remote Desktop (on the computer that you're connecting from).  Click Options and open the Local Resources tab.  In the pulldown menu under 'Remote computer sound', select 'Leave at remote computer.' Connect to the remote computer and save the changes so that it remembers in the future.

You can also disable this globally on the server side using Group Policy if you want to, though it is easiest just to disable it on the client side.

I was changing DAC's for the first time in many years and now I strictly use remote desktop for PC maintenance.  I couldn't figure out why I could not see my new DAC but this post resolved it.  Just wanted to reply that this was the fix I needed! 


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