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Author Topic: I've changed a few menu item names in theater view, and need some advice  (Read 3125 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 559

The naming scheme in theater view is obvious to someone like me, where I know that when working from a computer, video means things like tv and movies, and images means photos, etc.  To others who are used to interacting with a cable box, I could see where this would be a little bit confusing.  For instance, when trying to watch live tv or cable, having a selection that said TV or Cable on the top level menus might be more successful in guiding that user to where they want to go so, I changed the naming scheme in theater view, and now some of the shortcuts on my mce remote and keyboard will not take me to the correct submenus.   When I made changes to the naming scheme, I changed the names that were already there so for instance, Video is now called TV & Movies, and Audio is called Music.

I have tried reprogramming the keys I want on my remote, but each time my button presses bring me back to the top level menu within theater view.  For instance, pressing the guide button on my remote brings me to the TV & Movies menu that guide is situated under where before it would display the TV guide. 

How do i correct this?  Is there a way i could program the shortcut keys to send MCC commands that bring the program to the menus I want, or do what should I do?

RD James

  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 1871

I don't know of a way to fix this, but I hope that someone does because I have the same issue.
In my opinion the commands should not be linking to specific names, but should be linking to a position in the list.


  • MC Beta Team
  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 464

Wow this is spooky. I have just done a search on the forum to get the answer to this very question and I note you posted it today.
Hope someone can help as I am in exactly the same situation.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 559

So I've been digging around trying to dissect exactly where jriver gets all of its visual "Parts" from, and I found some of this code in the data>Default resources folder under resources.xml.  Can I change some of this code to match the theater view items I have renamed, and get my remote buttons working again.  My assumption is that when I change theater view names, it breaks the components of the program that direct my remote button presses to particular parts of jriver because those button presses tell the program to look for a very specific name. 

Code: [Select]
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: Home" Param="1" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: [PlayingNow]" Param="2" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: Audio" Param="3" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: Images" Param="4" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: Video" Param="5" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: Playlists" Param="6" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: CD &amp; DVD" Param="7" />
    <Entry Command="22001" Text="[Mode_Theater]: TV" Param="8" />
    <Entry Command="22002" Text="Party Mode" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[Start]" Param="0" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[PlayingNow]" Param="1" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[MediaLibrary]" Param="2" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[Playlists]" Param="3" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[Devices]" Param="4" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[MyComputer]" Param="5" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[TVTuner]" Param="6" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[WebMedia]" Param="7" />
    <Entry Command="22003" Text="[InterfacePlugins]" Param="8" />
    <Entry Command="22004" Text="Find..." />
    <Entry Command="22005" Text="Back" />
    <Entry Command="22006" Text="Forward" />
    <Entry Command="22007" Text="Refresh" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Toggle List Style" Param="-1" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Automatic" Param="0" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Details" Param="1" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Thumbnails" Param="2" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Album Thumbnails" Param="3" />
    <Entry Command="22008" Text="Tiles" Param="4" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="Close Display" Param="-2" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="[Mode_Standard]" Param="0" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="[Mode_Mini]" Param="1" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="[Mode_Display]" Param="2" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="[Mode_Theater]" Param="3" />
    <Entry Command="22009" Text="[Mode_Cover]" Param="4" />
    <Entry Command="22010" Text="[ArtistInfo]" />
    <Entry Command="22011" Text="[FindCD]" />
    <Entry Command="22012" Text="[RecentlyImported]" />
    <Entry Command="22013" Text="Top Hits" />
    <Entry Command="22014" Text="[RecentlyPlayed]" />
    <Entry Command="22015" Text="Audio" Param="0" />
    <Entry Command="22015" Text="Images" Param="1" />
    <Entry Command="22015" Text="Video" Param="2" />
    <Entry Command="22015" Text="Documents" Param="3" />
    <Entry Command="22016" Text="Manage Users..." />
    <Entry Command="22023" Text="Toggle Active View" Param="-1" />


  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 661

I'm not sure you'll get a response from anyone at JRiver since they probably don't want people making major changes that break their system, then require their help to fix.

The best way would be to test it out for yourself.  First, make a backup of your Library.  Then, in your C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 20\Data path, create a New Folder named Custom Resources.  Copy the Resource.xml file you found somewhere else for editing, then place it in the Custom Resources folder.  Probably want to close and reopen the MC Media Server just to make sure the change takes, then see what happens. 


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 223

You cannot change some of the main names/titles. For instance i tried to change Shows to TV shows and my remote command stop working. i asked and found out that the name "Shows" and for lack of the correct word is"hard-coded" to the remote command.  If you are having the same issue then i would suspect that it is the same for the names you are changing.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 559

HOLY S$!@ IT WORKED.  I just tested it, and the options for commands under the remote control menu displayed my name changes.  I haven't tested it all the way yet, and right now I just got it to go to the submenu but it worked.  I know I'm way too excited about this but I had to tell somebody


  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 559

Well so far, all this does is change names.  I need to create paths from the remote directly to the new menu items.  Even after I rename them under theaterview options, jriver knows where to look within the program to find what I need so in other words, when I changed Video to TV & Movies, I was still led to a screen with my movies, and cover art on it.  How do I link the button on my remote to this menu?
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