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Author Topic: MC crashed at DJ Session - 90 seconds without music  (Read 2370 times)


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MC crashed at DJ Session - 90 seconds without music
« on: May 01, 2016, 07:05:00 am »

During my DJ session at a ballroom event I ran into a problem with MC which lead into a 90 seconds time of silence with all guest standing staring at me on the dancefloor waiting for the announced new dance I taught them just a minute ago.

What happened? I activated the "Tempo & Pitch" DSP, because I wanted them to dance a slightly slower polka. For whatever reason the tempo was set to -3,00x. MC froze and nothing happened. I clicked reset. Nothing happened. I had to kill MC using the taskmanager. After restarting MC and hitting Play the same happened again. Then I assumed it could be because of the big tempo change (but why the hell??). I again killed MC restarted, reset the Tempo, hit play and everything was just fine. OK, only half the people were left on the floor and the song was to quick so most of them left after the first few seconds of music.

I always was wondering who would ever need such a big tempo change range but now I'm even more wondering because obviously it even doesn't work?!

My suggestion: don't fix it, just lessen the tempo change range so it would be much easier to change the tempo using the mouse!


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Re: MC crashed at DJ Session - 90 seconds without music
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 03:51:59 pm »

A DJ here.

Not trying to troll and this is certainly not a direct solution to your problem but my curiosity is piqued.

As much as I love JRiver in my home theater, it strikes me as my very last option for DJing. Why not utilize industry standard solutions from Virtual DJ, Serato, Traktor, etc? These can be paired with dedicated sound interfaces and controllers utilizing ASIO drivers for great performance and stability. Changing something like the tempo is easily achievable as this is a basic function in purpose-built DJ software. If I was DJing with a commercial product and it failed like that, Oh my, would there be hell to pay! If I was using WMP or another consumer solution, I would only blame myself if it failed.

Again, not judging, just asking and offering help if needed. Good luck!


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Re: MC crashed at DJ Session - 90 seconds without music
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2016, 02:52:49 am »

Yes, I get what you mean. I'm just thinking about to get a (cheap) DJ controller to use together with VirtualDJ because I want to try some "real" DJing :)

But Ballroom DJing is not that kind of DJing you need something like VirtualDJ for. The only downside of MC for this usecase is the inability to change a songs tempo easily on the fly. For ballroom dancing there is no need for beatmatching, scratching or other effects. Song are played one by one with a 2 second gap. So a powerful library software is much more useful (therefor MC) than all the DJ Playback abilities. And MC is a stable software. I only got very few crashes using it the last years. And the crashes I got could all be solved by JRiver and never happened during big events but "only" during my ballroom lessons which of course is annoying as well but far away from being a big deal.

The last crash instead was a big deal.

To sum it up: I really agree to what you said, but of course it would be nice anyway, to get the fading bug fixed!
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