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Author Topic: Dr. Who Confusion  (Read 4448 times)


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Dr. Who Confusion
« on: May 10, 2016, 12:01:01 am »

I wanted to check out Shared Views so I signed up for Dr. Who.

I found a view I wanted to check out and clicked to download. The message I received says:

"Sucessfully saved '.jvi' to 'Saved Views' folder.

First, there's no filename, just an extension, so I'm not sure what is happening with that.
Second, I can't find 'Saved Views' folder in the Options | File Locations.

How is this supposed to work?

I'm on 21.0.76


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 12:19:05 am »

The theory is, that once saved, you either go to the top toolbar, and go "View > Add View > Add Library View"


In the customise current view dialogue, you choose "Load View" from the "Saved Views" area at the bottom of the "Settings" list, where, incidentally, you can directly browse views from the server (aka Dr, Who).

Now, there's not many there, so I just tried downloading four or five, and each time, the 'success' dialogue showed the name of the jvi file. Yours is not.

Are you on a MAC?
What web engine are you using in MC? (Options > Tree & View > Web Browser > Engine) Mine is set at Internet Explorer.
What is the name of the view you were trying to download?
Silly question, but I have to ask... Were you logged into Dr. Who at the time?

The saved views folder, assuming you are on Windows, is, by default, at: "C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 21\Library\Saved Views"

You will need to provide the info requested above before any more progress can be made here.


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2016, 12:29:44 am »

Are you on a MAC?
What web engine are you using in MC? (Options > Tree & View > Web Browser > Engine) Mine is set at Internet Explorer.
What is the name of the view you were trying to download?
Silly question, but I have to ask... Were you logged into Dr. Who at the time?

The saved views folder, assuming you are on Windows, is, by default, at: "C:\Users\[USER NAME]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 21\Library\Saved Views"
Thanks for the reply!

I'm running Windows 10.
I was using Chromium but when I changed to IE, I received this message: "Audio file location cannot be read-only". I don't know why I got this message EXCEPT that I am not connected to my NAS that holds all my audio and video right now. Maybe that is the reason.

I am logged into Dr. Who.
I looked in the Saved views folder and found the ".jvi" file - no name, only extension.

I was trying to download Arindelle's "Run Audio Analysis".

Because of the above mentioned error, I cannot change to IE. It may have to wait until I get home. :(


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2016, 12:49:45 am »

I know the problem: The file is saved as ".jvi". This means it is invisible. If you access and open it, you see, it is a HTML-file. If you read it, you see, it is the login page for Dr. Who...

@marko: The option "Options > Tree & View > Web Browser > Engine" doesn’t exist on Mac OS X... (Screenshot attached.)


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2016, 01:05:46 am »

I'm not sure about the "Read Only" warning, and I've no NAS experience, so probably best if I don't even try and guess about it ;)

What I can say though, is that I *think* there might be something amiss with that view, I'm not sure...

The MC .jvi system is smart, or at least, tries to be...

The theory is, if you download a view meant for the video tree, and try to add it to the Audio tree, it won't show up in the view picker, because the view picker knows what media types the view was originally saved with... or something like that. You get the idea?

It does this using a:
Code: [Select]
<Item Name="Media Types">0</Item>line in the .jvi file, which you can see if you open it in a text editor.
I think the zero is wrong somehow. The only way I could get it to show as a choice for me to load from the view picker was to change that zero to something else and save. I tried a one, which worked, and a three also worked.

So it seems that it's quite possible that even if you got it downloaded OK, you might have had bother actually loading it anyway ;)
Out of curiosity, if you dropped your nameless jvi file in a text editor, does it look OK?
It should start along the lines of:
Code: [Select]
<JVI version="1,1">
<Item Name="View Info Type">2</Item>
<Item Name="Media Types">0</Item>
<Item Name="Name">Run Audio Analysis</Item>

There was a recent post from someone, I forget now, but am sure they were on a mac, and the downloaded, nameless jvi file was actually a dump of the html code of the actual Dr. Who webpage.


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2016, 01:10:35 am »

I know the problem: The file is saved as ".jvi". This means it is invisible. If you access and open it, you see, it is a HTML-file. If you read it, you see, it is the login page for Dr. Who...

@marko: The option "Options > Tree & View > Web Browser > Engine" doesn’t exist on Mac OS X... (Screenshot attached.)

Was yours the recent post I mentioned above?

ssands, the original poster here, has said that he/she is running Windows 10, and also, that he/she has located the nameless jvi file. ssands also stated that he/she has located the web engine option within MC.

There are many areas where Windows and MAC MCs share the same stuff, fixes, options etc. etc. but maybe not this time?
I don't know MACs so really cannot help you here. Sorry.


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Re: Dr. Who Confusion
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2016, 06:10:18 am »

I'm not sure about the "Read Only" warning, and I've no NAS experience, so probably best if I don't even try and guess about it ;)

What I can say though, is that I *think* there might be something amiss with that view, I'm not sure...

The MC .jvi system is smart, or at least, tries to be...

The theory is, if you download a view meant for the video tree, and try to add it to the Audio tree, it won't show up in the view picker, because the view picker knows what media types the view was originally saved with... or something like that. You get the idea?

It does this using a:
Code: [Select]
<Item Name="Media Types">0</Item>line in the .jvi file, which you can see if you open it in a text editor.
I think the zero is wrong somehow. The only way I could get it to show as a choice for me to load from the view picker was to change that zero to something else and save. I tried a one, which worked, and a three also worked.

Hi if you are referring to my view on Audio Analysis, Marko is right ... although I don't consider it an error, I just checked and it will give you problems loading it the traditional way.  Reason: I have a lot of admin views that I either do not want them to show up under standard playback "nodes" (audio, video etc.) and/or the view uses multiple media types on purpose.  So to load this a tree group has to be set that allows all media types (or the group is not defined to be the parent of a media type -- why the "0". As you can see here I have different media types grouped together.

I should have explained that, but Dr Who has been more of a test for me to see if it would be easier way of sharing between family members that I have remote access to their PCs. Actually I mentioned before in another post that the note section really needs some improvement -- most of my views won't work out of the box without adding custom fields and this would have to be explained somewhere.

Sorry about any confusion, I'll try and figure out a way to clean these up when I have the time. I do think though that any JVI file should be "loadable" from wherever in the tree. I truly wish that view modifications could be automatically saved to a jvi file in some way automatically though ... this is a BIG PITA for me, but I have tons of views -- none of which are default ones, so I guess this wouldn't affect most people.
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