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Author Topic: Madvr via IP?  (Read 2475 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Madvr via IP?
« on: May 16, 2016, 04:12:38 am »

Is there a way for a 3rd party control system to control any of the MADVR functions via IP? I have currently been using Eventghost but I would like to eliminate the middleman and control it directly if possible.


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Re: Madvr via IP?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2016, 06:40:43 am »

I use eventghost only to send status informations back to my homeautomation system as JRiver API does not automatically do a status push.

For MadVR and mostly all HTPC control I use a small program called MCEcontroller. This Program is rock solid and allows to control everything you like over IP. I have configured special keyboard shortcuts for all MadVR fonctions and entered these as special commands in MCEcontroller. Now I have defined these functions in my home automation system and do control all madVR functions by a press on my remote.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Madvr via IP?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2016, 02:53:12 pm »

I use eventghost only to send status informations back to my homeautomation system as JRiver API does not automatically do a status push.

For MadVR and mostly all HTPC control I use a small program called MCEcontroller. This Program is rock solid and allows to control everything you like over IP. I have configured special keyboard shortcuts for all MadVR fonctions and entered these as special commands in MCEcontroller. Now I have defined these functions in my home automation system and do control all madVR functions by a press on my remote.

That's very interesting....
Do you find Event Ghost less stable than MCE?

I was wondering why you use both EG and MCE?

Im only using EG to control everything but I find from time to time button presses cause crashes.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Madvr via IP?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2016, 03:03:59 pm »

Oh yes MCEcontroller just is rock solid. Regarding automation MCEcontroller can work on RS-232 or IP. RS-232 is even more stable of course as it bypasses my network and goes directly to my home automation controller.
I use eventghost only for a very funny thing though :
I'm a BD full menu guy (for my Concert BD's) as you might have seen from my other posts. This means in JRiver = BD playback through an external player (aka PDVD)....and the whole thing by remote...with as little buttons as possible.
While launching PDVD is a perfect process (ie you select to movie in theaterview-press play- PDVD opens in cinema mode and starts to play the movie) closing it is a pain because PDVD (not like RIP TMT) when you hit the back button is not closing but ends up in their crappy library browser.
So I used eventghost to monitor the start of the PDVD process. When that happens it sends a message to the home automation controller setting a flag (ie Bluray is playing). When this flag is active pressing the exit button on the remote (not like for regular DVD in JRiver) sends instead a alt+F4 command closing PDVD and coming back to theaterview.

Works brilliantly
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