I am experiencing something similar with an HDHomeRuun Prime (3 tuner one). Here's what I have going on, and it started maybe a week or two ago:
Every 10-15 seconds, I'll get a little bit of a glitch or hang in audio/video, the screen will pixelate for just a sec, and then it recoveres. It only does this on live tv.
Discs, ripped discs...everything else is flawless.
I've monitored system resources. CPU stays between 10-20%, memory has something like 6 gigs free. During trouble shooting I added a spare Radeon 6850, that didnt help. Looking at the frames rendered during live tv, it shows no missed frames when this glitch happens. It does it on RO standard and with MadVr. I've monitored signal quality from the tuner, and it is locked at 100% most of the time , occasionally dips to 98 or 99%.
I've tried checking and unchecking force hardware acceleration, smooth video clock...every combo, no help there.
I also tried running the tv/recording buffer on a different hard drive, that didn't seem to clear it.
I've also ruled out the my tuner or router being the issue, as the HDHomerun View ap works perfectly smooth on the same pc. And, ironically, my spare laptop run live tv perfectly with jriver.
So, i think i've got it isolated to that specific pc. On it, i uninstalled jriver, reinstalled, tried different drivers for video, drivers for jsut abotu everything in that pc, and it still does it.
I'm stumped? I may release a copy of win10 from another pc, and wipe the effected one clean and start all over? Any helps/tips on what to try would be great.
Love jriver...it really is an AIO solution for media.