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Author Topic: Madvr Directory Q & Crashing?  (Read 2527 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Madvr Directory Q & Crashing?
« on: May 30, 2016, 08:25:12 pm »

Sorry for being so dumb on the subject but I need some understanding please....

I never installed my JR and madvr, an installer did everything for me.
I don't understand how things should be setup as Im not so good in that area, so let me ask here....

I had an earlier version of madvr that was crashing but could never understand as I had no frames dropping etc etc... Card Nvidia 970
I think I saw something on one of the forums where they said to delete everything from the directory and start again clean.
I spent two weeks of testing all day long, every day, many many hours...
I showed him this and he cleaned out the directory and everything worked....

Weeks later there was another madvr update and I asked him to download it, all the crashing started again OMG!
After weeks of testing I went back to a very old version of madvr Nov last years, all the crashing stopped, I think he cleaned out the directory??>P)(&%#% not sure...

Then recently last week we upgraded to the latest official version of JR/madvr, all the crashing started again.
I spent days of testing and turning off all the new madvr features to try and find out what might be causing the crashes.
He went into the PC and I saw him deleting a whole lot of stuff, I asked him what was he doing.... He said just cleaning up things....
From that day on the latest official version of JR/madvr miraculously stopped crashing!!!!!
I have spent days and days with some of the highest settings ON madvr, tested over and over again and again and I cant make the thing crash!
Nothing has changed from last weeks update from when it was crashing to when it stopped apart from the installer deleting some stuff...

Can someone please help me understand what he may have been deleting that fixed the crashing?
1. Is it stuff that might be in the madvr directory, if there is such a thing?
2. If other stuff is in the madvr directory can it interfere with madvr and maybe cause crashing?
3. How is the madvr directory meant to be setup correctly to cause no problems?

Your help will be greatly appreciate.

Having a better understanding, and taking control of these areas I know is important.
I need to learn so much more of this so I can take control of the system myself.

No one is to blame here, just trying to get to the bottom of the crashes that have now stopped!


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Re: Madvr Directory Q & Crashing?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 10:33:09 pm »

JRiver Media Center installs madvr in the following folder:
"C:\Users\%yourusername%\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 21\Plugins\madvr" where %yourusername%=your username so if your username is murray then the folder is
"C:\Users\murray\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 21\Plugins\madvr"

If the contents of this folder (or the folder itself) are deleted then MC automatically downloads the current JRiver supported version of madvr if you play a video in Red October HQ- the "Adding required components" message will be displayed on screen.

All the madvr settings are stored in the registry so deleting the files in the folder doesn't change any settings.

It is impossible to second guess what someone else may have been doing on your system that caused your crashes but I hope the above information is some use to you.

If you wish to install a different version of madvr then simply overwrite the files contained in the above referenced folder but if you then get problems you can't expect support from the JRiver folks- they will only be interested if the JRiver distributed version of madvr is causing issues (quite rightly).
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  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Madvr Directory Q & Crashing?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2016, 11:23:23 pm »

Thank you for that. I only want to ever use the official madvr version recommended by JR.
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