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Author Topic: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system  (Read 5546 times)


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Am currently in a massive project to re-rip about 5000 music CD's. Have 3 drives connected to my PC and at some times the program will rip from one drive and continue with the others if loaded and ready. But I can not make this consistently happen. Searching the help topics indicate this should work.

A couple of times I saw on the screen using multiple drives. For the life of me I can not get this screen to open. Other times I have two or three drives ready, walk away expecting only one to complete the task, but all have completed the process.

Please someone help me. It will save a lot of time to keep more than one drive busy like this.

Regards, Harroun


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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2016, 05:35:02 am »

I used other methods for ripping when I did the bulk of my collection.

Regardless, a search of the Wiki yields the following links for me:

You also might want to check out the entry covering Auto-Rip.

The forum may have further guidance but I'd expect you'll get some distance with the links above.
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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 12:15:03 pm »

Thanks for the info. I experimented with all the suggestions and no results so far. This is most strange, I can not figure out what causes the program to arbitrarily rip the other CD's in the other drives with un-ripped discs. Every thing I think I have a clue, it proves wrong. And I really never catch it in the act. I can have two discs in the drives ready. Tell in to start the rip. Thinking only one disc will be done. Walkaway and get distracted and later return and both are ripped. I have done nothing special to make this happen. Other times I will come back and only one disc is ripped.

If some of the power the powers that be there are checking these discussions. How about adding a button on the window where we look at the info for the discs in the drive and can do the editing and have the commands, right next to "Cancel Rip" to "Add to rip cue"

That would save a lot of time for those doing bulk ripping.

This whole business I am doing pissing me off no end. I used Nero for the original ripping/copy of disc's was automatically alphabetizing the compiled list and I did not notice this until I had done several hundred discs. So now the original CD does not match the copied CD. Many do and the makes my checking a snap. Other wise I am doing a cut and paste or re-type all the info. I am very fussy about the quality of the text in my music files.


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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2016, 01:03:35 pm »

Now I see I have not understanding of multiple ripping's definition. More experimenting I now find out that this means ripping more than one disc at a time. Did not thing the computer would be capable of handling that. But it works fine.

The settings required for this are. under "CD, DVD, & BD" Enable auto-rip mode. and set "Max rip processes: to the number of drives available or more.

If no editing of text and scanning of art work, this is very, very fast. No time to go get a cup of coffee or toilet.

For those of us who are fussy about the quality of the album and track names and artwork, we need to be able to check the work over first and the have a button to enter into a "to be ripped cue". Powers that be, please consider this.


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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2016, 03:58:48 pm »

I'm glad you got it figured out.

For metadata editing, you can just edit it after it's ripped.  In a way, it makes more sense to really take your time editing the metadata once it's already been ripped.  That way you don't waste time tagging when you could be spinning the disc ripping it!

MC's tagger is pretty powerful, so it should be easy to batch edit after ripping.  If you wanted to be very formal about this, you could make a new Library field called something like "tags approved" and set it to integer with an edit type of "checkbox".  This will default to 0 or unchecked.  When you're finished looking at and possibly editing the metadata of an album, you just click the check box for "tags approved".  Finally, you would have a view that showed you albums with "tags approved" = 0 .  So you'd have an ongoing list of albums you need to check and possibly edit the metadata on.  If your existing collection needs to be audited, this is a good tool to help you keep track of what you've worked on and approved and what you still need to look at.



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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2016, 05:35:34 pm »

Brian. I greatly appreciate your assistance. You have help this old man (73) to make better use of the tools we have available. I like your idea of tagging the editing status.

Something you may be interested in or maybe already know. If you edit the meta data from your ripped files this will not change the data for the data of the CD's. With someone else assistance I now have a "smartlist" configured to show both sets of data. In the Modify Results section select "Limit database to" and chose Main and CD. The net do "Sort by" and select Album (a-z), Track #(a-z) and File Type(a-z_)#(a-z). The result of this is a display sorted by albums first. Now the important part, the tracks are displayed in PAIRS. One is for the CD data and the other from the saved music files. One does all his editing and art work in the Smartlist your work is safer. Now if you ever lose some of the music files and need to re-rip the CD's. Guess what the new ripping will have all of your work on it.

Does this pay off. Yes, and big time. I have just set up a new nice little external storage box with two 2TB SSD's in it in a raid 0 configuration. Working great until I find out powering this off of the USB hub was a mistake. It became unstable and lost the better part of about 600 CD's. Now using the StarTech's supplied power supply I am re-ripping again these CD's. But none, repeat none of the editing and art work is lost.

Regards, Harroun


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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2016, 07:01:23 pm »

Something you may be interested in or maybe already know. If you edit the meta data from your ripped files this will not change the data for the data of the CD's. With someone else assistance I now have a "smartlist" configured to show both sets of data. In the Modify Results section select "Limit database to" and chose Main and CD. The net do "Sort by" and select Album (a-z), Track #(a-z) and File Type(a-z_)#(a-z). The result of this is a display sorted by albums first. Now the important part, the tracks are displayed in PAIRS. One is for the CD data and the other from the saved music files. One does all his editing and art work in the Smartlist your work is safer. Now if you ever lose some of the music files and need to re-rip the CD's. Guess what the new ripping will have all of your work on it.

Hmm, I didn't know the "CD" database existed in MC.  I guess I learned something.  But it seems like a giant waste of time to me to work on the CD part.  See below.

Does this pay off. Yes, and big time. I have just set up a new nice little external storage box with two 2TB SSD's in it in a raid 0 configuration. Working great until I find out powering this off of the USB hub was a mistake. It became unstable and lost the better part of about 600 CD's. Now using the StarTech's supplied power supply I am re-ripping again these CD's. But none, repeat none of the editing and art work is lost.

Sorry to hear about your disk problem.  That must have been pretty stressful.  So get a backup disk or disks.  Right now, or as soon as you possibly can.  That way you should have some good insurance against losing any files in the future.  ...and your CD information just won't matter at all, because you shouldn't ever have to re-rip again.

MC makes backups of it's own metadata every few days in zip files.  Look in Tools > Options > File Location > Program Files > Library backups .  That will show you where they are being made.  Make sure this directory gets backed up to an external hard drive also.  Just in case your lose your internal hard drive with all of MC's metadata stored inside it.

Good luck on ripping 5000 CDs.  That's a big project.  :)



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Re: Using MC21 to rip from multiple drives, windows based system
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2016, 07:23:37 pm »

Well, I do have a back up copy of my music files. In Bangkok that is. But a problem for me is I am continually correcting my working copy of the copy in use. The way I right now for a common latest, corrected data base is doing both systems with back up copies as you describe the MC below. I guard those files with my life. Not really that much. But when I make any editing or change the album covers. I do that as described before on both data bases.

This is getting a little long winded. We have exchanged valuable information and I think you for that. I an writing this and shuffling CD's in and out of the drives which is the ultimate test of my multitasking abilities.

Best wishes for you and family. If no family I can find a girl friend for you in Bangkok.

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