More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Linux

Set up JRiver Media Center 22 in Fedora 64-bit

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How to install:

1. Download and extract

--- Code: ---unzip
--- End code ---

2. To install or upgrade MC, run:

--- Code: ---./ 22.0.108
--- End code ---
(where 22.0.108 is the current debian AMD64 version)

The script will ask for your sudo password to install or update packages.

1. To install your .mjr license:

--- Code: ---mediacenter22 /RestoreFromFile YOURMEDIACENTER22MJRFILE.mjr
--- End code ---

2. This script will not overwrite old major MC versions (i.e. when upgrading from v21 to v22) or point new installations at the old library. It is recommended to first perform a library backup, remove the old MC major version package, install the new major version, and restore the library backup.

1. Added test for rpm-build package (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
2. Added test for rpmfusion repos (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
3. Script is now MC version agnostic and self-contained (20-FEB-2017)
4. Changed versioning system used in rpmbuild. MC point versions are now stored as the variation number. DNF may erroneously report a downgrade the first time the new package number is installed. (20-FEB-2017)
5. BETA: Explicitly add files in /usr/share to rpm build to prevent dnf from thinking we are taking ownership of the directories. (13-APR-2017) Only a problem when attempting to run script from filesystems that do not support linux permissions.
6. Check for RPMFusion repos before installing dpkg and rpm-build (27-APR-2017)
7. Fix dpkg check (31-MAY-2017)

I'm having a little trouble getting this to work.  At first the rpmbuild binary was not found.  So I installed an RPM of rpm-build and resolved that.  Next it complained that no package provides LAME.  I guess I need to go figure that out.  It seems to require multiple steps though, as the standard Fedora repositories don't contain packages with LAME?  So you have to use RPMFusion or something similar?

This is new to me, so I'm not sure.  Are there other hurdles I can expect?  Perhaps I should try this on Debian instead.  Though I've got Fedora working fairly well so far and don't want to abandon it if I don't have to.

Any advice is appreciated.



Awesome Donkey:
Add the RPM Fusion free and non-free repositories and you should be good to go!

--- Code: ---su -c 'dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm'
--- End code ---

You'll also need to apply this fix before licensing MC on Fedora:,108054.0.html

Then it's off to the races. Hopefully. :)

P.S. rpm-build should be available in the main Fedora repo - sudo dnf install rpm-build should of installed it. I recently did a clean Fedora 25 install in a VM and got it working greater after adding RPM Fusion and installing rpm-build using dnf. :)

You're correct that rpm-build is available from the main Fedora repositories.  It just wasn't installed by default and I had to install it.  No big deal.  But I was expecting this installation script to resolve all dependencies, including rpm-build.  Again, no biggie; I figured it out.  It's just not fully automated.

I'll follow your instructions for RPMFusion and hopefully that will do it.  Are you saying that once I have the repositories added that the build script will actually find and download the correct packages for me, so I don't have to figure out which package includes the LAME libraries and/or binaries?  That would be awesome.

I won't get to this until tomorrow, but I'll report my results.

Thank you for the help.  :)


Awesome Donkey:

--- Quote from: blgentry on November 30, 2016, 05:28:44 pm ---Are you saying that once I have the repositories added that the build script will actually find and download the correct packages for me, so I don't have to figure out which package includes the LAME libraries and/or binaries?  That would be awesome.
--- End quote ---

Yup, it'll resolve the dependencies and install them after it builds an RPM and proceeds to install it. I have an RPM of build 22.0.36 (the newest build on the latest repo) for Fedora 25 x64 built. Maybe I should just start posting them? Hmmm.

For the beta builds with Theater View the build file will probably have to be edited to point to the correct test URL (I'll try to mess with this in the morning and see if I can get it going). Otherwise it'll resolve the latest build on the latest repository just fine. :)

EDIT: Okay, made the necessary changes to the install script to download and build RPMs of the latest Media Center 22 64-bit beta builds with Theater View. I did have to chmod 755 the SPECS directory and the two files inside and I also chmod +x the rpmbuild file so it'd run correctly as an executable. You might have to do the same before it works (otherwise you might get a permission denied error!).

cd into the SPECS directory, then run this in the Terminal;

--- Code: ---./rpmbuild 22.0.44
--- End code ---

And it'll download and build the RPM of the latest 64-bit beta build, and install it (along with any unmet dependencies as long as RPM Fusion is used as well). Easy peasy!


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