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Author Topic: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?  (Read 6408 times)


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PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:45:35 pm »

Does anyone have or have a link to the documentation for the PlayingNow plugin?

I need to make some changes to my setup....  Thanks.


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 01:19:21 am »

There isn't much. I'll write a full and comprehensive document once it's fully incorporated into MC by J River :)

Let me know what you need and I should be able to assist you.

You know there's a help file included, right? It should be in the installation directory. I've attached it here if that's easier for you...


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2016, 09:17:08 am »

There isn't much. I'll write a full and comprehensive document once it's fully incorporated into MC by J River :)

Let me know what you need and I should be able to assist you.

You know there's a help file included, right? It should be in the installation directory. I've attached it here if that's easier for you...


Thanks for the heads up about the documentation file.  I found it.... I knew I used some documentation before.  I'm sure I can figure out what I need now.   thanks again.


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 03:13:07 pm »


Currently I have both the Popup and Logging working.

I want to turn off the popup but still have logging work.

When I set EnablePopup=False and EnableLogging=True

logging no longer works.

Do you know of any way around this or am I doing something wrong?

For now, I've set the BackgroundHeight and BackgroundWidth to 1 so basically I can't see the "popup" in the skins config.ini.  This seems to work, but I'm hoping for a way to not have to resort to this.



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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2016, 09:22:17 am »

I think that if the popup is turned off, as well as speech and scrobbling, which should be off anyway as one was experimental and the other is redundant, then the plugin is effectively disabled, so there wouldn't be anything to log?

The only other thing I could think of other than a one pixel popup, is setting the times to show to something so small that you don't see it.

I'm curious as to why you would want to disable the plugin from doing the very thing it was designed to do?


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2016, 09:40:12 am »

Marko,  I have lots of lcd monitors around my house showing me info about the playing track, using PlayingNow as the source of that data (logging) and as the trigger for my screens to read the PN output file and to redraw the screens.

I no longer want/or need to use up valuable PC screen space with information already displayed on those lcd monitors around my house.


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2016, 05:49:19 pm »

I came across this and it refreshed my memory.  I haven't used this for years but would probably really be useful for a similar thing I would like to do with my PlayingNow info on my various mounted tablets.

Is there a link to an updated copy somewhere?  I probably have one in a backup somewhere (circa v17 or so) but if this has been updated for v21/22 that would be great.



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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2016, 06:20:34 pm »

It got kind of, erm, 'sidelined', so, no updates since way back when.

The most current is, from memory, v3.09, or maybe 3.10.
Remember to disable scrobbling as that has native support now.

In use daily here, still working fine with MC22 and Windows 10.
I'm not sure if it will work on a tablet though....

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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2016, 11:56:16 am »

Found my v1.3 (circa 20017) which I am guessing was the last?

@DoubtingThomas - any chance you have a skin or format available for sharing?  I want to do the same thing as you:  Display my playing now info on various tablets in the house so I am looking for a larger format jpg (hoping to not have to re-invent the wheel)



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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2016, 03:48:13 pm »

Is this plugin now accessible by everyone now?
-Craig    MO 4Media remote and player:  Android/TV/Auto | iOS | Windows 10/UWP


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Re: PlayingNow plugin... documentation?
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2016, 04:20:27 pm »

Unfortunately not.

I've long lobbied for it to be included in MC by default, and if not, to at least have the registration code stripped out somehow.

If anyone knows anyone who might be able to do that, would that be considered illegal?

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