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JRiver Media Center - Docker image

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No worries - yes it could be an issue with the newer mc22, which is the only one I've used so far. I use it mostly for music so it's not a big problem.


I'v installed your data container on a QNAP.
When I start the container it just shows the output of the echo command and the container stops.

Any idea?


--- Quote from: robydago on October 22, 2016, 04:47:30 am ---@cassfras21

I'v installed your data container on a QNAP.
When I start the container it just shows the output of the echo command and the container stops.

Any idea?

--- End quote ---

This is the expected behavior. To run JRiver, you need both containers app and data. In your case you should run the app container (DLNA).
The app container is the running container and the data container holds the jriver config files but doesn't need to be running for this. So to save resources it just starts and then stops.

I've played with this a bit on a QNAP.
Once I figured out how to install it I was amazed by how easy it is to use.
A couple of ideas.
Add the Key and Repo so it can be updated.
Upon shutdown kill it with a HUP signal (not TERM) and wait for it to shutdown. It can take up to a minute but it's the best approach (signs off with network devices and closes the settings files properly).

Oddly enough, when I rebooted it couldn't figure out the port mapping for the vnc again so I couldn't connect to it graphically.


--- Quote from: bob on October 24, 2016, 05:36:41 pm ---Add the Key and Repo so it can be updated.

--- End quote ---

Update is already available. To enable/disable autoupdate you have to change the ENV_UPDATE variable to yes/no
It was working fine until now. Since JRiver 22.0.33 (or maybe previous version) is out I have a new issue. if I run a new container app with autoupdate enabled, jriver won't start at all even after reboot. So the container becomes unusable. The work around is to create the new container with ENV_UPDATE set to no, then stop the container and enable the update with ENV_UPDATE set to yes.

If you want to see more about the docker file (where I load the key and repo) and other stuffs you can here

--- Quote from: bob on October 24, 2016, 05:36:41 pm ---Upon shutdown kill it with a HUP signal (not TERM) and wait for it to shutdown. It can take up to a minute but it's the best approach (signs off with network devices and closes the settings files properly).

--- End quote ---

I may be wrong but I think this part is managed by docker so I can't change the way the container kills jriver. Or maybe it has to do with the process manager supervisord.

--- Quote from: bob on October 24, 2016, 05:36:41 pm ---Oddly enough, when I rebooted it couldn't figure out the port mapping for the vnc again so I couldn't connect to it graphically.

--- End quote ---

This happens when your tcp port 5900 is already in use with another app on your QNAP. If it's the case you should map another port to VNC by changing this "-p 5900:5900" in the docker run command to "-p 5901:5900" for example. Then you should be able to connect graphically to tcp port 5901.


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