More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows
Anyone having problems with losing their Start bar in windows 10?
I think everyone will agree that switching operating system just to run JRiver is a non-starter
--- Quote from: Awesome Donkey on June 14, 2017, 08:24:51 am ---.... is to not use Windows 10 and go back to Windows 7...
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The problem occurred for me first under Windows 7. This is not a new Win 10 only issue.
Note: terrym@nz's solution works! I set it up as a shortcut on my desktop and run it after a JRiver session.
The odd thing is that it isn't a very common problem. We've seen it a few times, but you'd expect more people to be affected. There may be another related factor.
Awesome Donkey:
Terry explains the issue in detail in his script topic. The bug is basically where certain processes (start menu, Modern apps, etc.) in a suspended state crash when failing to return to a running state.
But what I'm wondering is if the issue can be prevented programmatically in the first place? What is it MC does in the first place (after playback of 40+ mins) to cause processes to go into a suspended state? Is that what these processes do naturally after X amount of inactivity? Is it even possible to create a workaround or a dedicated application to prevent those processes to go into a suspended state while an app (MC, foobar2000, Steam, Adobe apps, etc) is running/playing back media?
The ideal workaround solution, I'm thinking, would be to find a way to prevent those processes from going into a suspended state in the first place (instead of killing/restarting those processes). Maybe some "Windows Process Keep-Alive" workaround is possible? Not sure, honestly.
It'd be better if Microsoft would just fully fix this issue, IMO.
--- Quote from: pgruebele on June 13, 2017, 06:37:00 am ---I just upgraded to the newest version and am very disappointed that nothing has changed. If this is not fixed this will I will no longer be a JRiver user as my other media players work perfectly :( JRiver users having to killing processes is not an acceptable solution.
Sorry for venting by this has been ongoing for 2 years now!
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Do you still have MC20 installed on your PC? I mentioned in this thread about a year ago that I uninstalled MC20 on 4 PC's that had the issue and it went away. I've never had the issue since.
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