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Anyone having problems with losing their Start bar in windows 10?

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Is this issue solved yet? Seems like microsoft donīt intend to do anything. I think it is a JRiver problem.

Awesome Donkey:

--- Quote from: Captor on April 02, 2018, 04:16:42 am ---Hi
Is this issue solved yet? Seems like microsoft donīt intend to do anything. I think it is a JRiver problem.

--- End quote ---

Microsoft has had nearly three years so far to fix it, however they haven't been fully able to yet.

It's a Windows 10 issue, not JRiver issue. It also can affect other software including Adobe apps, Steam, etc.

I am skipping buying JRiver 24 this year because this issue overshadows any new features that might have been added.  So when it is fixed (In Windows or worked around in JRiver), it would be great if someone could post an update here...

Please read this:,113034.0.html

Thanks for that . I was unaware of this link and appreciate the considerable effort that has gone into working around this Windows bug.

I now disabled animations and will see if the problem improves.  If not I will install the script which I am happy to see does not involve killing explorer.exe as I have been doing manually.


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