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Anyone having problems with losing their Start bar in windows 10?

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I've always attributed this to the fact that I have "start bar" (task bar) set to auto-hide in Windows 10. I've learned to use theater view to restart windows before I attempt to do anything on the computer other than MC-related stuff. If it's been more than 24 hours I just know it's going to be an issue and I reboot with the remote before I have have to drag out the keyboard.  By any chance are you using "auto hide" on your task bar? Just curious...

Taskbar not auto-hidden. Start menu inoperative, anyway.

Wow no notification to this post odd. Anyway I'm using auto hide. Nice to know I'm not the only one. Would have been nicer to know about this prior to constantly reloading the computer LOL. To have known it was a JRiver/Win 10 confliction versus a poor install of win10. UGH.

Are any of you with this problem also having issues with copying to the clipboard in office? I've tried all versions of office since 10 and randomly it errors when trying to copy fields in excel. Just wondering if somehow this is related also considering MS couldn't fix this issue either.


--- Quote from: scgt1 on July 29, 2016, 05:36:29 am ---Wow no notification to this post odd. Anyway I'm using auto hide. Nice to know I'm not the only one. Would have been nicer to know about this prior to constantly reloading the computer LOL. To have known it was a JRiver/Win 10 confliction versus a poor install of win10.
--- End quote ---
This is not a JRiver problem.  It is a Win10 problem.  It may be fixed.  

Now you mention it, it hasn't happened to me for a week or two.


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