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Playback takes a long time to start when....


This is an unusual one that I haven't totally characterized just yet.  When it happens, it takes 20 to 60 seconds before playback starts after pressing play.  Here's how I'm certain it happens:

1.  Select a playlists from Car Radio buttons.  Playback begins.
2.  Open a remote (I use EOS) and change the volume.
3.  Playlist ends normally after all songs are over.
4.  Wait a long time.  At least one hour.
5.  Select a song in the playlist from the Remote. Or press play, or stop, or pause on the Remote.  Now playback will take a much longer than normal time to start.

I think this is probably remote (JRemote type remote) related.  I just tried this whole thing, except in (5) I pressed play on the computer.   It worked normally.

I've also experienced several crashes of MC when simply connecting from the remote software.  This are infrequent, but I don't remember them EVER happening with MC21.

I know this one is odd.  If there is anything I can try or questions I can answer, I'm all ears.



Couldn't it just be that your drive has spun down after an hour so it needs to spin up again?

^ I don't think so.  These files are on the internal drive.  I used to do this same procedure with MC21 very often and never had a pause of longer than a couple of seconds.  The long pauses only started happening with MC22.  Maybe there's something else going on.  Not sure.  My MC22 is unlicensed (trial mode) but I don't think that should have anything to do with it.



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