I just tested this two ways.
A. With MC22 making tag changes alone to files on local disk. Then MC21 ALONE reading the files that MC22 just changed. I see the issue. Tag Dump shows no RATING field at all. It's gone. MC21 still shows the rating. Even doing update Library from Tags does not change this.
B. Using MC21 alone on local disk. Set a rating. Close MC21. Use KID3 (free cross platform tagging tool) to DELETE the Rating tag. Close KID3, open MC21. Again, MC21 does not see the change, because the RATING tag is gone.
If instead I just change the rating tag using KID3, MC21 picks it up. It seems that when MC sets the RATING to 0, that it also deletes that tag from the FLAC file. So when another MC reads that file again, it does not update the Rating as it's no longer in the file.
Awesome work. Seems like we are getting closer now. Here is my overall take on the scenario - starting from the initial introduction of the file to MC
Assumption 1: File is created by any number of means or applications. Could MC or could not be MC
Assumption 2: File format is fully supported by MC
Assumption 3: File contains industry standard tags for that specific format. Some tags may have values - some may not
File is moved or copied to a network location being monitored by MC (either via Media Server or standalone instance)
Auto import runs - either by force (Pressing Run Auto Import Now) or by timed interval
File is analyzed and available tag data read and converted to info within the MC library
File now appears in MC library - ready for use
MC absolutely gets everything right at first import. If the file had a rating - it reflects it correctly within MC
If the file does not have a rating - no rating stars appear on the track in MC
All other tag data looks correct and all is well
SCENARIO 2: Random File Access in the network location either MC or any other tool that can read/change/modify tag data
Assumption 1: No man's library is an island. Files (and file tags) can be changed by any number of ways and methods over any time period
Assumption 2: MC should be more than capable of navigating ANY changes to a file as long as the industry standard tags have been modified correctly
Assumption 3: Update For External Changes is on within the Library area of MC - so it is watching for changes.
File is changed in the network location by a random tool. Tool has the ability to read/modify and write industry standard tags back to the file.
File had a prior rating of 3 but is now changed to zero (no Ratings)
MC Auto import runs - either by force (Pressing Run Auto Import Now) or by timed interval
File is re-analyzed (since it already exists in the library) and available tag data read
The file metadata has no ratings flag or tag data
MC does not know what to do about the missing ratings tag so the ratings data is ignored and not updated in the library
All other relevant tag that was changed - is correctly updated in the MC library
File appears in MC library - but it still has it's old rating of 3
My guess is all is well during the Auto Import routine when ANY files are first imported to the library. But down in the bowels of code - probably somewhere within Library & Folders-Media Import->Update For External Changes - there is a glitch in how to handle the missing ratings tag. MC should Update for External Changes - the same way it does it's initial import
(cue some corny Psuedo Code

If (GetRatingsTagValueFromFile <> 0) Then
'Display rating star value on imported file...
DisplayRatingStarsValue = GetRatingsTagValueFromFile
'Display no rating stars
DisplayRatingStarsValue = conNullStr
I am hoping that this will get a little traction with DEV and hopefully a fix can be deployed. I would also hope that this fix would be considered for v21 as well - since of us are not ready to move just yet.
Thanks again to all that have contributed to the investigation.