You probably know this but...
A. In a Panes view, Artist lists all artists, regardless of whether they are the album artist or not. So you can find them easily that way.
B. In any view, Artists view included, you can type some of the artist's name into the search box and it will bring up matches as you type. When you find the artist you want, you can click on it and it will show you the albums that artist appears on.
Right, but unless I'm tagging things wrong, there is no viewscheme that will display a whole split album for all artists in each artist's album view. And since it feels like that sentence will only make sense to me, I mean:
Artist 'Band' has a split album with Artist 'Group', an album called 'Split'. If:
1. Album Artist is 'Various', all tracks will show in Various, but not for each Artist. Band and Group have all their tracks listed under Various
2. Album Artist matches each Artist, an Album viewscheme will only show the tracks pertaining to each Artist. Band shows Band's songs, Group shows theirs.
I'd like to be able to tag all of the tracks for both bands so that all tracks from Split appear under the album view for each Artist. And then be able to see that as well when using JRemote.