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How to get Folders to Mirror Playlists when synching to USB


U have created some playlists (smart) in Jukebox and when I synch a USB drive I want it to create folders that mirrors the Playlists (and the songs bineg the conent). How do I do that? I have tried
Options > Files & Paths > Audio Path > Playlist
Options > Files & Paths > Audio Path > [Playlist]

but no luck. Suggestions?

I think I understand what you want to do.  You want directories, with the directory name being the name of the playlist.  Then inside each directory, you want the song files from that playlist.  It makes sense in way.

But this is the whole reason that playlists were invented:  So you wouldn't have to do this!  :)  Does your portable device read playlists?  M3U, etc?  If so, just point your device to the playlist files and it will play the contents correctly, in the correct order.

I don't think you can easily make MC do what you are asking for.  I've never used Media Jukebox, but I suspect it's similar to MC.


that's exactly what I want - the reason is the device they're going on to is just a USB drive which plugs into a car head unit that doesn't recognise playlists.

anyone got any ideas?


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