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Author Topic: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?  (Read 10325 times)


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Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« on: July 16, 2016, 04:55:38 pm »


i have updated to V22 an now the core commands for Shutdown und Restart didnt work anymore.  27001 Parameter 0 and 3
The core command to change view mode to theater view audio also didnt work anymore.  22001 Parameter 3

Are there same changes in the core commands?

With V21 all were working.
My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


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Re: Are ther Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 04:56:57 pm »

Shutdown and Restart require authentication now, I believe.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Are ther Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 04:57:39 pm »

Oh, how can i do this?

I control my jriver pc with network commands with an tablet
My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


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Re: Are ther Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2016, 04:47:06 am »

i just upgraded to 22 :) works nicely. About the core commands.. iuse a remote where i am using a lot of core commands. to let them work again in mc 22 i have to go into the remote section of the options and change every mc21.exe/WhatEverCommand in mc22.exe/WhatEverCommand.. after doing that it all works..
could that be the problem?



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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2016, 03:33:26 am »

I will have a look tomorrow an tell.

My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2016, 04:34:03 pm »

On my system (mediola) there always stands /mcc?....... in the code.

I tested with mcc22,  but it didn't work. That's not the solution for my problem.
My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2016, 02:06:38 am »

:) im sorry i could have been clearer. the full mcc command to switch to theater view is for instance
mc22.exe/mcc 22001,1

for mc21 it was

mc21.exe/mcc 22001,1

so its the part before the mcc.
maybe you could make a screenshot from where you setup the commands in mediola.



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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 02:15:39 pm »

Please take a look:

In the first line is controlurl="/MCWS/v1/%@"   %@ will be replaced by the app or programm with the single order, key named

<device id="JRiver" name="Multimedia_PC" tpl="320x460:255|1024x748:256" icon="dmr" controlurl="/MCWS/v1/%@" controlport="52199" lock="true">
    <key id="Mute Toggle" code="Control/MCC?Command=10017,0"/>
    <key id="VolumeUp 5%" code="Playback/Volume?Level=0.05&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="VolumeDown 5%" code="Playback/Volume?Level=-0.05&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="VolumeUp 10%" code="Playback/Volume?Level=0.10&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="VolumeDown 10%" code="Playback/Volume?Level=-0.10&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="Nav Links" code="Control/Key?Key=Left&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Nav Rechts" code="Control/Key?Key=Right&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Nav Auf" code="Control/Key?Key=Up&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Nav Ab" code="Control/Key?Key=Down&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Zurueck" code="Control/Key?Key=Backspace&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Enter" code="Control/Key?Key=Enter&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Exit" code="Control/Key?Key=Escape&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Home" code="Control/Key?Key=Home&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Ende" code="Control/Key?Key=End&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="Seite Auf" code="Control/Key?Key=PageUp"/>
    <key id="Seite Ab" code="Control/Key?Key=PageDown"/>
   <key id="Seite Auf" code="Control/MCC?Command=28023"/>
    <key id="Seite Ab" code="Control/MCC?Command=28024"/>
   <key id="Seite Auf" code="Control/Key?Key=Page_Up"/>
    <key id="Seite Ab" code="Control/Key?Key=Page_Down"/>
   <key id="Seite Auf" code="Control/Key?Key=Page%20Up"/>
    <key id="Seite Ab" code="Control/Key?Key=Page%20Down"/>
    <key id="Info" code="UserInterface/Info"/>
    <key id="+" code="Control/Key?Key=+&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="-" code="Control/Key?Key=-&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="PlayPause" code="Control/MCC?Command=10000"/>
    <key id="Stop" code="Control/MCC?Command=10002"/>
    <key id="Previous" code="Control/MCC?Command=10004"/>
    <key id="Next" code="Control/MCC?Command=10003"/>
    <key id="Rewind" code="Control/MCC?Command=10009"/>
    <key id="FastForward" code="Control/MCC?Command=10008"/>
    <key id="30sec Vor" code="Playback/Position?Position=3000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="1Min Vor" code="Playback/Position?Position=60000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="5Min Vor" code="Playback/Position?Position=300000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="10Min Vor" code="Playback/Position?Position=600000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="30sec Zurueck" code="Playback/Position?Position=-3000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="1Min Zurueck" code="Playback/Position?Position=-60000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="5Min Zurueck" code="Playback/Position?Position=-300000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="10Min Sek Zurueck" code="Playback/Position?Position=-600000&amp;Relative=1"/>
    <key id="Repeat An/Aus" code="Playback/Repeat?Mode=Toggle"/>
    <key id="Shuffle An/Aus" code="Control/MCC?Command=10005&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Continousplay An/Aus" code="Control/MCC?Command=10006&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Fenster Minimieren" code="Control/MCC?Command=10014"/>
    <key id="Fenster Maximieren" code="Control/MCC?Command=10027"/>
    <key id="Fenster Zeigen" code="Control/MCC?Command=10013"/>
    <key id="Fenster Wiederherstellen" code="Control/MCC?Command=10028"/>
    <key id="Radio Last FM starten" code="Control/MCC?Command=10050"/>
    <key id="Untertitel" code="Control/MCC?Command=10052&amp;Parameter=-1"/>
    <key id="Tonspur" code="Control/MCC?Command=10053&amp;Parameter=-1"/>
    <key id="Videostream" code="Control/MCC?Command=10054&amp;Parameter=-1"/>
    <key id="OSD zeigen" code="Control/MCC?Command=10051&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="DVD Menue" code="Control/MCC?Command=10033"/>
    <key id="Playback Audio" code="Control/MCC?Command=28033"/>
    <key id="Playback Untertitel" code="Control/MCC?Command=28032"/>
    <key id="Playback Video" code="Control/MCC?Command=28034"/>
    <key id="Playback DVD Menue" code="Control/MCC?Command=28016"/>
    <key id="Theater-Toogle" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Theater-Home" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=1"/>
    <key id="Theater-PlayingNow" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=2"/>
    <key id="Theater-Audio" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=3"/>
    <key id="Theater-Images" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=4"/>
    <key id="Theater-PlayLists" code="Control/MCC?Command=22001&amp;Parameter=6"/>
   <key id="Zuletzt gespielt" code="Control/MCC?Command=22014"/>
   <key id="Audio Only" code="Control/MCC?Command=22031"/>
    <key id="Zurück" code="Control/MCC?Command=22005&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Vorwärts" code="Control/MCC?Command=22006&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Bild links drehen" code="Control/MCC?Command=31001"/>
    <key id="Bild rechts drehen" code="Control/MCC?Command=31002"/>
    <key id="Bild oben/unten drehen" code="Control/MCC?Command=31003"/>
    <key id="Rein Zoomen" code="Control/MCC?Command=28000"/>
    <key id="Raus Zoomen" code="Control/MCC?Command=28001"/>
    <key id="Fit to Screen" code="Control/MCC?Command=28028&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Pan/Zoom" code="Control/MCC?Command=28012&amp;Parameter=-1"/>
    <key id="Reg Info" code="Control/MCC?Command=24014"/>
    <key id="0 Liste Ende" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad0&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="1 Liste Anfang" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad1&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="2 abc" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad2&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="3 def" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad3&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="4 ghi" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad4&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="5 jkl" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad5&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="6 mno" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad6&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="7 pqrs" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad7&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="8 tuv" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad8&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="9 wxyz" code="Control/Key?Key=NumPad9&amp;Focus=1"/>
    <key id="MCC Beenden" code="Control/MCC?Command=20007&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Shutdown" code="Control/MCC?Command=27001&amp;Parameter=0"/>
    <key id="Neustart" code="Control/MCC?Command=27001&amp;Parameter=3"/>
  <device id="JRiver PL" name="Playlisten" tpl="320x460:255|1024x748:256" icon="dmr" controlurl="/MCWS/v1/%@" controlport="52199" lock="true">
    <key id="Bibliothek Updaten" code="Control/MCC?Command=20008"/>
   <key id="Alles Wählen" code="Control/MCC?Command=21002"/>
   <key id="Auswahl Aufheben" code="Control/MCC?Command=21003"/>
    <key id="Doppelklick" code="Control/MCC?Command=33005"/>
    <key id="Optionen" code="Control/MCC?Command=23011"/>
    <key id="Repeat Playlist" code="Playback/Repeat?Mode=Playlist"/>
    <key id="Shuffle Playlist" code="Playback/Shuffle?Mode=Reshuffle"/>
    <key id="Continousplay Playlist" code="Control/MCC?Command=10006&amp;Parameter=2"/>
    <key id="PL erstes File" code="Control/MCC?Command=10042"/>
    <key id="PL letztes File" code="Control/MCC?Command=10043"/>
    <key id="Playlist Import" code="Control/MCC?Command=20024"/>
    <key id="Update PL Aktuelles" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,9580639"/>
    <key id="Update PL Deutsches" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,158176573"/>
   <key id="Update PL Depeche Mode" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,326402540"/>
   <key id="Update PL Disco Classics" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,841082556"/>
   <key id="Update PL Instrumental" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,925801173"/>
   <key id="Update PL Langsames" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,9467291"/>
   <key id="Update PL NET Radio" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,1070301174"/>
   <key id="Update PL Oldschool" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,491747710"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
   <key id="Update PL" code="Control/MCC?Command=34049,"/>
My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


  • World Citizen
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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2016, 02:16:57 pm »

Everything was working, but since v22 the codes for theaterview music, theaterview viedeo and the power options dont work now.
My English is not perfect, so be merciful with me


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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2016, 02:16:35 pm »

I updated to 22 yesterday and noticed one change. As part of a daily system (batch file run as a scheduled task) for updating playlists in Logitech Media Server from JRiver, I use the command MC21.exe /MCC 20004,1 to export all playlists.

When I updated my script to MC22, the command now throws up an "Export Format" dialog box asking for a choice of m3u or m38. Obviously, that causes problems for my script, which is designed to run without user interaction.

Is there a new parameter for this command that will choose a default (m3u) format and allow non-interactive use?

It worked fine in Media Center 21, and I'd hate to revert just because of this.


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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2016, 02:46:30 pm »

I updated to 22 yesterday and noticed one change. As part of a daily system (batch file run as a scheduled task) for updating playlists in Logitech Media Server from JRiver, I use the command MC21.exe /MCC 20004,1 to export all playlists.

When I updated my script to MC22, the command now throws up an "Export Format" dialog box asking for a choice of m3u or m38. Obviously, that causes problems for my script, which is designed to run without user interaction.

Is there a new parameter for this command that will choose a default (m3u) format and allow non-interactive use?

It worked fine in Media Center 21, and I'd hate to revert just because of this.
Same problem here !


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Re: Are there Changes in the MCC Core Commands?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2016, 04:28:27 pm »

Mediola (which BTW is a very cool IOT central remote control unit with large hardware support) uses http calls to MCWS.

you could try to

enter your shutdown command in a web browser http://[IP/hostname of the MC computer]:52199/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=27001&Parameter=0.

If your browser pops up an username/password window then you know it needs authentication.

If so I would try to send username and password with the http call.

restart the browser (clear cache F5) and enter
http://[username:password]@[IP/hostname of the MC computer]:52199/MCWS/v1/Control/MCC?Command=27001&parameter=0.

if that works you will need to figure out how to update the mediola http commands to have the username:password part sent with the command.

I haven't extensively used MCWS with authentication but maybe somebody else can detail further the syntax required for the http call.

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