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Author Topic: Date Display  (Read 2391 times)


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Date Display
« on: August 28, 2016, 02:12:56 pm »

For my movies I created a Category View based on a rating of no stars.  This tells me all the movies I have that I haven't watched yet.

I want to sort these movies in ascending order based on Create Date.

The movie list in the tree sorts correctly, i.e. chronologically.  The thumbnails sort incorrectly, in that all movie files created in January show first (regardless of year), then next all movie files created in February, etc.

It looks like whoever wrote the code for the tree converted the dates to julian, did the sort, then converted the dates back to gregorian.

It looks like whoever wrote the code for the thumbnails just did a character sort.


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Re: Date Display
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2016, 03:44:11 pm »

I'm guessing that you have Group By set to Month accidentally.  I have sorts that go by Date Imported and they work correctly and do not group.  Pull down the little menu at the top of your view and set Group By to None.  It may look like nothing is selected.  Explicitly set it to None and see if that changes your view.



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Re: Date Display
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2016, 07:18:39 am »

I'm guessing that you have Group By set to Month accidentally.

Brian -

Thanks for your reply.  I'm using the Category view, Group By choice only shows up in the Pane view.

However, once I started looking into that tabbed drop down I realized that it has to do with the thumbnail display.  From the drop down I used Sort By -> Custom -> Date Created.

All is well.  BTW - while setting up another view, that being Unwatched sorted by rating, I was once again amazed by the density of features in MC.  In 'Get Movie & TV info' I wanted to use RottenTomato's ratings (IMDB is too optimistic), but IMDB's images (Rotten Tomato's are too blurry).  MC actually can select for that.  Fantastic.

Is there a way to make these tabs persistent thru separate MC invocations, rather than re-selecting the views from the tree each time MC is started?

Sorry for the hassle, but the first of several I'm afraid.  Next up is Tools -> Options -> Audio Device -> Settings -> DSP & output format .......

- Slim
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