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Author Topic: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac  (Read 2605 times)


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JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« on: September 11, 2016, 11:15:20 am »

I just got the latest version of JRemote and its the first time using it.  I'm using it on an iPhone 6Plus and the OS is current on the iPhone (9.3.5).  On my laptop I'm running MC20, and the OS is 10.7.5.  I have firewalls turned off in my preferences.  I have not been able to connect, but instead keep coming up over and over again with an "Invalid Access Key" message.  I have double checked my keyboard preferences and turned off all options there - using a standard Qwerty keyboard with all options toggled OFF.  The server response is that the "Keyid XXXXXXX not found".  I have re-entered it numerous times and checked and triple checked that upper and lower case and numerals are correct. MC20 is up and running, and that is were I'm obtaining the access key.  I also tried connecting via IP address, using the JRiver IP Check tool to obtain my current IP address.  When I do this I get repeated connection timed out messages, again, triple checking the address is entered correctly.  I have tried with and without authentication turned on, and still no connection.  Again, no firewall blocking port 52199 - though I have no idea how to actually assure that MP has access to port 52199 specifically via the general system preferences, but nothing is on that would be otherwise blocking it as far as I know.  What am I missing??


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Re: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 11:24:17 am »

Try connecting with a web browser with:

http://<your MC server ip address>:52199

For example, if your MC server's address is

This should work if your MC server is up, using the default port, and not being blocked by firewalls, routers, etc.

If that works, then it's on the Ipad/JRemote side.  I've found several times that when trying to use JRemote, that the ipad I was working with did not have a network connection.  Restarting the ipad and/or re-enabling the network fixed it in those cases.

Good luck.



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Re: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 11:41:14 am »

Thank you for the prompt response, Brian.  I tried what you suggested and I can get the JRiver Library Server in a browser using the method you suggested.  So you are saying then that the problem lies on the iPhone side of the connectivity?  I restarted my iPhone and still get the same issues as before with the JRemote.  I'm not sure what is required to "re-enable the network connection" on my iPhone.  The WIFI connection is enabled and connected to my home router/network via Airport.  I don't know other than that what connection you mean or how to access it.  Pardon my tech naivety.  FWIW, in the Media Network screen on MC20 it does confirm that all servers are running properly (4 of them).  If you have any further suggestions about checking/creating a network on the iPhone, let me know.  Again, many thanks for the help.


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Re: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 11:49:29 am »

I figured it out!!!  So the IP address that JRiver IP Check gave me was entirely different from the 4 addresses the media server seems to be running.  I don't know why that is.  So I used one of the four addresses the media server is using to connect by IP Address (found in the left toolbar under "Services & Plug-ins>Media Network"), and that gave me a connection to my library.  Many thanks again, Brian - I don't think I would have come across that were it not for your input here.


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Re: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 02:25:16 pm »

It's good to know you've got it working. Weird that it doesn't work with the access key.  But still good that you have it working.



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Re: JRemote Invalid Access Key with Mac
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2016, 02:38:22 pm »

Yes, it still does not work via the access key.  I must have misunderstood the JRiver wiki that I originally used to obtain the server address that I initially tried.  This was the paragraph that was confusing and I was using the "outside" server address that the tool gave me to try connecting. 

The port you use must be accessible (not blocked by a firewall) from outside your network, and you must be using the outside address of your network. A cable modem, for example, has both an inside and an outside address. The outside address is the only one available from the Internet. You can find out what your outside address is by visiting or

The address it gave me was quite different than the one the server was actually using.  I guess I did not understand. Thanks again for the prompt assistance.
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