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7.1 Sound under OS X

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--- Quote from: blgentry on September 21, 2016, 10:09:17 am ---I would probably try doing the various Mac resets to see if this helps.  Like resetting the SMC for example.

But I really don't expect that to work.  The issue seems to be that the Mac sees the HDMI target disappear and it (silently) reconfigures it.  Something like the HDMI Detective, would make the Mac think that the HDMI connection was active all the time.  But I'm not sure if it would solve this problem or not.  You'd need to do more research or experimentation.

Just some info for you to consider.


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Brian -

Thanks.  I know the problem is when the Onkyo is powered down.  I was looking for a software work around.  Sounds like HDMI Detective might be it.  I'll let you know if it works; just for your hip pocket.

- Slim


--- Quote from: Slim_Fishguttz on September 21, 2016, 04:16:50 am ---pschelbert -

thanks for your reply. 

i can also get all the channels i want.  the problem is that i can't get my selection of channels to persist.  it seems that if i shut off the receiver, but leave the Mini on, then the Mini reverts back to thinking there are only 2 output channels available.  sometimes it seems this happens even without shutting down Onkyo.  with Onkyo turned back on, i can go back to Midi screen and reset channels to 8, or whatever.

very annoying and burdensome.

do you go thru a receiver?  if so does powering receiver off, but leaving Mac on, affect your available channels?

out of frustration, i've gone back to Plex over Fire TV, which is less than desirable.

- Slim

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no I am going out by USB to an audiointerface, RME Fireface UFX.
I have pensioned the receiver...

Mac: apple has a lot of autodetect features. maybe this is the issue, like it is with CD-Drives.
I am not sure if HDMI has a configuration to fix it. I would suggest you look at MAc OSX level not in JRiver.



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