More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Mac
How to migrate the Option Setting
Thanks for reply.
I have tried some ways:
1. Delete all library from JRiver and disk. Create new library.
2. Use CleanMyMac3 delete JRiver app and delete 'JRiver' folder under 'Application Support'
The issue I didn't describe it clearly. Every time I load a different library, JRiver crashes, with a info window. But after I restart JRiver. It works, which means that JRiver already load the library I selected last time. In one sentence, I can load different library, but I must restart JRiver because it crashed every-time. No matter the library is local of from LAN, just load and crash...
So I want to reinstall JRiver totally. But I don't know how. Because there are too many related files in different folders which I don't know where it is.
--- Quote from: blgentry on September 22, 2016, 09:11:30 am ---I wouldn't use a third party utility like that. I doubt it's even an issue with the MC installation itself. That directory you typed above contains pretty much all of the configuration of MC that I am aware of.
The libraries themselves might be located in different directories, depending on where you created them. By default, the Main library is under the directory structure you quoted above. But you can create new ones where ever you please. Maybe you have a damaged library?
You could create a fresh new library and import a backup from an old library as a test.
When you get that message, are you eventually able to get to the other library? Or is that other library "stuck" and inaccessible?
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On the crash:
I've seen this happen before with MC21. I've probably seen it at least 20 or 30 times; maybe more. But it's occasional for me. It doesn't happen every time. Like you said, after the crash, when I restart MC, the library I wanted to switch to has been selected. I don't switch libraries all that often. Really, there are VERY FEW good reasons to even have separate libraries.
On uninstalling: I'm no expert on this. Glynor knows more. The developers know more. But I'm pretty sure that MC on the Mac consists of just a few pieces: The actual app files which are in Applications. The Library files, which can be anywhere, though the default is under ~/Library/Application Support/JRiver . Finally, a number of configuration files which are under that same directory I just listed.
I think if you delete all 3 of these, you'll have a very clean uninstall.
I'm running OS X 10.9.5 and have had infrequent crashes of this type. What version of OS X are you running?
This is the time-line I update:
MacBook: OS 10.10 > MC 21 > MC 22 Crash with library change
Mac Mini: OS 10.10 > MC 21 > OS 10.11 > MC 22 Work Fine
On my MacBook, I just delete all files at
1. '~/Library/Application Support/J River'
2. under /Application
3. All library files at other folders(some is in ~/Documents)
Then I reinstall the MC 22. I create a fresh library, and load the library from my Mac Mini (3 libraries: default, new, LAN). Works fine.
But after I restore 'settings' (I only checked 'settings' without library) use your method. The crash becomes...
Does the backup files only work correctly on the same computer?
I use backup zip from Mac Mini and restore my MacBook. The problems continues.
However I have many custom views, shortcuts, and etc. You know that configuration will cost so mush time...
--- Quote from: blgentry on September 22, 2016, 09:39:17 am ---On the crash:
I've seen this happen before with MC21. I've probably seen it at least 20 or 30 times; maybe more. But it's occasional for me. It doesn't happen every time. Like you said, after the crash, when I restart MC, the library I wanted to switch to has been selected. I don't switch libraries all that often. Really, there are VERY FEW good reasons to even have separate libraries.
On uninstalling: I'm no expert on this. Glynor knows more. The developers know more. But I'm pretty sure that MC on the Mac consists of just a few pieces: The actual app files which are in Applications. The Library files, which can be anywhere, though the default is under ~/Library/Application Support/JRiver . Finally, a number of configuration files which are under that same directory I just listed.
I think if you delete all 3 of these, you'll have a very clean uninstall.
I'm running OS X 10.9.5 and have had infrequent crashes of this type. What version of OS X are you running?
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