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Revisiting How To Set Up JRiver To Shuffle Albums For Dummies
--- Quote from: al1947 on September 24, 2016, 11:09:11 am ---This is a concern with other genres, too. But I am especially concerned about classical as it's common practice for classical albums to include lesser works along with major ones to fill out the album. Beethoven cycles are notorious for the pairing of symphonies being dictated solely by what will fit on a single CD.
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Once the CD has been ripped there is not always a good reason to keep it associated as one "disc". I frequently change the Album name to break up bundled symphonies, for example. That way I can play Symphony No 5 with a single click and not get Symphony No 6 tacked on automatically at the end. Or play Symphony No 3 without having to open the "Symphonies 1 and 3" disc, navigate down to the first movement of Symphony No 3, and click there. The original album name is preserved in the file path (because that's in the ripping rule I set up in MC), but you can also preserve it in Comment or some other field if you wish.
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