More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Mac

UI lagging

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Yesterday I finally found the time to install v.22*. I have to say this version is pretty much unusable for me.
At regular intervals the UI just hangs for about a minute or so. Music continues playing until end of song....and then resumes with the next song when the UI is responsive again. Other times music is interrupted.
Accessing the menu can trigger the UI to hang, or clicking anywhere in the UI.

The UI is lagging anyway. Version 21 was MUCH more responsive.

Album art (contained within the music files) is randomly not shown. Sometimes one out of ten albums; other times 2 or 3 albums out of 5. No logic.

Not a happy camper.

Version 22.0.22 running on macOS Sierra (10.12). Late 2012 27" iMac. 3,4 GHz i7. 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM

Just wondering if you have any background processes working, such as library scanning, audio analysis?

I initially experienced your type of issues (and worse), but with no such background processes it has been working faultlessly - in fact I just purchased a licence.

I bought the updated license back in May but hadn't had the time until now.

To answer your question, it happens with and without background processes. However, analyzing audio does seem to trigger it +a lot+ more.

I just went back to 21.0.91 and it runs perfectly. No issues whatsoever.


I did some more testing. It does seem the issues I am experiencing are primarily triggered by the audio analysis process, especially when I let it analyse 4 songs simultaneously.
The activity Monitor shows my iMac isn't breaking a sweat so the Media Center threads are battling it out amongst themselves and the UI loses.


--- Quote from: churchmouse on September 26, 2016, 10:20:51 am ---Just wondering if you have any background processes working, such as library scanning, audio analysis?

I initially experienced your type of issues (and worse), but with no such background processes it has been working faultlessly - in fact I just purchased a licence.

--- End quote ---

Yep, sounds like we have a common theme here. I just ensure that I have no background processing when I want to listen to music. However, that should not be necessary.

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