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MC22 Playing/Bitstreaming DTS WAV crashes MC

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here you go guys - i share Sting's Shape of My Heart DTS WAV.
Cant play this on MC22 on the Mac...

I have imported that file and successfully played it.  However, I do not currently use an AVR or other device that decodes DTS.  MC decodes everything for me.  It apparently can read this as DTS, as it plays to my sound card and then to powered speakers without issue.

I tried turning on bitstreaming (Custom > DTS) but MC seemed to ignore it.  I think it's because, on playback, MC considers this to be a WAV file.  Which is odd because when I look at the file Tags, it says it is a WAV type file with Compression type of DTS.

I'm doing this testing on MC for MC 22.0.30 .

I'm guessing things would be different over a SPDIF connection? (which I'm not using)

Maybe try turning off bitstreaming as a test.  Though I'm not sure what will happen since this file presumably will decode to 6 channel PCM, which is too much bandwidth to be sent via SPDIF.  Hmm.  I'm not sure what the right configuration for this is.


I managed to make MC 22.0.28 Windows blow up with this file. My DAC is 2-channel only, but I changed MC to "source number of channels". When I tried to play the file I got a dialog box telling me my device doesn't support the number of channels required, and suggesting I switch to 2-channel playback. However, I was unable to close the dialog. And the Windows task bar showed many instances of the dialog. I killed the MC process and rebooted. This may be a completely different bug, but I don't have any other multi-channel files to test with.

Guys, you *MUST* have an S/PDIF and a DTS receiver to test that DTS WAV i shared.
I know it plays fine if you let MC decode it, but then i do not get the DTS multi channel audio.
If i set MC to no Encoding and Speaker setting to meet the source number of channel as i the WAV - MC explodes.
if i set the speakers to 5.1 and the encoding to none = it explodes.
ANY possible combination = explodes, as long as S/PDIF and this DTS WAV is present.......

Works fine in iTunes ! works fine in A+. MC has a severe bug here that it does NOT send the WAVE file as is to the audio receiver.

i tested on MC21 as well - it does not explode. it just goes to 2 channel audio no matter what i set up. i am on MacOS Sierra.


As i have many WAV files for DTS-CDs, i now packed them up using ALAC so i can tag them and add album artwork  - ALAC is like FLAC.
When ALAC decompress its the original WAV.
DTS-CD WAV packed in ALAC retain their multi channel data, the WAV appears as a 2 channel audio but inside there are 6 channels.
iTunes play them fine and so is VLC.

So i tried in MC22.0.22 and it works !!!  - it sends the ALAC data and the DTS logo appears on the receiver. i also got all the multi channel audio ( i have some test files).

Seems that MC has serious issue with handling WAV files that contain multi channel audio....iTunes and A+ know how to deal with such WAVs..



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