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Author Topic: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC  (Read 8335 times)


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I recently purchased a NAD D 7050 Integrated Amp with the intent of using it as a DLNA / AirPlay renderer. My Primary DLNA server is JRiver MC 20, this note (and thread) are about how to set everything up so it all works.

I have succeeded in making it work, but maybe not at its optimal, so I’ll detail it as much as I can and if anyone has feedback on how it might be improved, that would be great.

But first, a few words on why I chose this unit. The NAD D 7050 is one of the very first in a series of what are known as ‘Power DACs’, that is, an integrated amplifier where the DAC is the amplifier where the first time a signal becomes analog is in the output stages of the amp. Known also a Direct Drive Digital amps (and the moniker DDFA), this is fascinating tech, as it allows the amp to dynamically adjust for changes in load. I wanted to check this out, but didn’t want to spend the $6K a NAD M2 amp cost, so when the D 7050 recently dropped to $800, I was in and am now using it to power a 2.1 living room ‘background music’ system.

The sound quality of this unit is pretty amazing for the coin and the combination of features is just about right (with DLNA support excepted), with the subwoofer crossover being a favorite feature.  BTW- it is a stereo low-passed output on the analog out RCA jacks, so you’ll need a Y cable to combine them for a mono sub. Cut-off frequency is selectable (every 10hz from 40Hz to 200Hz) via the mobile app UI, pretty slick. The amp really works and punches well above its rated output.

Anyway, this is about getting network streaming working with this thing, so when I first installed it, I was easily able to AirPlay to it from my iPhone, so now I can share a podcast segment or some new music with others in the room. But my primary use was going to be driving content to it from MC via JRemote, something I’d been doing successfully to my Oppo 103 and to another AVR using the Audiophile 24bit option in the MC DLNA server. Since the D 7050 is a nice 24bit capable DAC (driven via USB from a PC, or via Coax/SPDIF), I assumed it would handle 24bit via DLNA. Well, you know what they say about assumptions. That did not work, just noise that told me the bit-depth/sample rate was off.

So now, I needed to figure out what the heck this thing actually supports in terms of DLNA, so thanks to some other threads here ( I found Whitebear’s (@AndrewFG) excellent renderer profiling tool and used that to get the profile for the 7050.
Surprise! The DLNA implementation only supports 16bit and sample rates of 44 or 48Khz. Wow, how limited. But wait, it gets worse.
{edit: Correction, it claims that as 'for sure', but it actually supports 24/48 and 24/96, as now that the underying issue with the setNext bug is not interfering, I was able to test these. It transitions just fine between tracks of varying bit-depths and sample rates}

So after re-configuring the MC DLNA server (more details below) to output L16 / 44Khz fixed, I tested it with an album. First track plays just fine, sounds really good. It advances to the next and now it sounds horrible, all choppy. Go to next track and now it’s just that noise of wrong sample rate / bit depth thing again. WTF?

I can only conclude that there is an implementation bug in the DLNA rendering code of the 7050 and it defaults back to a sample rate of 48Khz for L16 sources when a new track comes in, as when I changed the forced output settings in the MC DLNA server to L16/48Khz it works flawlessly now.  {Edit: red-herring, it works with 44 as well as 48, see post #4}

So I now have achieved my goal, but it took some head-scratching and perseverance to get here, and I figured I’d share the journey and the results in case it helps others with this (and maybe other) NAD streamers.

Following are individual posts with the specifics for this streamer.


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NAD 7050 DLNA capabilities
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2016, 08:36:30 am »

The output of the Media Renderer Analyzer profiling tool is attached to this post, but the most salient thing to note is that it seems this streamer is limited to playing linear PCM 16-bit at 48Khz sample rates for lossless formats.

As noted in the previous post, it claims 44Khz support, but something is broken and it reverts to 48Khz when tracks change.

So the DLNA server must transcode everything to that fixed setting (L16/48) to get reliable performance.

Code: [Select]
DMR Report (by Whitebear) for D7050 Direct Digital Network Amplifier

Device Description Url=
Description=Direct Digital Network Amplifier
Friendly Name=D7050AP 00EC19
Manufacturer Name=NAD Electronics
Manufacturer Url=
Model Name=D7050 Direct Digital Network Amplifier
Model Number=D7050
Model Url=
Presentation Url=
Serial Number=90568200EC19
UPnP Device Type=urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1
UPnP Media Renderer version=1
Unique Device Name=uuid:5f9ec1b3-ed59-1900-4530-90568200ec19
Unique Product Code=123810928305
X_DLNADOC Element=DMR-1.50
Service Url for RenderingControl=
Service Url for ConnectionManager=
Service Url for AVTransport=
AVT:GetDeviceCapabilities action=Supported
AVT:GetMediaInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetPositionInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetTransportInfo action=Supported
AVT:GetTransportSettings action=Supported
AVT:SetNextAVTransportURI (gapless play)=Supported
AVT:SyncPlay (synchronous play)=NOT Supported
RC:GetVolume action=Supported
RC:SetVolume action=NOT Supported
AVT:Event Subscription=Succeeded
RC:Event Subscription=Succeeded
HTTP User Agent (client)=WinampMPEG/2.8
Play test file result=Play success => Start Ok / Stop Ok

Media Center DLNA Server Advanced Settings

Enable bitrate Field=Checked
Filter international characters=Off
Include session ID=Off
Playstation 3 Compatible=Off
Present Caption Resources=Checked
Present Small Artwork=Off
Present Subtitle Resources=Checked
Skip Child Count=Off
Use flat URLs=Off
Use full URLs=Off
WMC Compatible=Off

Declared Supported Audio, Image & Video Formats


Evaluated Supported Audio Formats

audio/L16 LPCM Dlna 44100 1 16 Yes
audio/L16 LPCM Dlna 44100 2 16 Yes
audio/L16 LPCM Dlna 48000 1 16 Yes
audio/L16 LPCM Dlna 48000 2 16 Yes
audio/mpeg MP3 Dlna * 2 * No
audio/x-ms-wma WMABASE Dlna * 2 * No
audio/x-ms-wma WMAFULL Dlna * 2 * No
audio/vnd.dlna.adts AAC_ADTS Dlna * 2 * No
audio/vnd.dlna.adts AAC_ADTS_320 Dlna * 2 * No
audio/mp4 AAC_ISO Dlna * 2 * No
audio/3gpp AAC_ISO Dlna * 2 * No
audio/mp4 AAC_ISO_320 Dlna * 2 * No
audio/3gpp AAC_ISO_320 Dlna * 2 * No



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MediaCenter specific settings for NAD renderer
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 08:39:04 am »

Depending on whether you are supporting multiple DLNA renderers, you might create one or several DLNA server settings in MC. Since I have multiples, I’ll go through the process for that which is a bit more complex.

As noted, my previous Audiophile 24 option I used for the Oppo and my preamp did not work with the NAD, so I created a new DLNA server instance in MC by going to Tools->Options, then selecting ‘Media Network’
Then click ‘Add or configure DLNA servers’ and add a new Entry called ‘NAD DLNA’
Force the output to be exactly what’s specified with Mode: ‘Specified output format’, then Set the output format to L16 no Header, open the advanced triangle, and set the sample rate to 48000 Hz.

Here’s an image of what it should look like:

We are not quite done, as we need to force the NAD renderer to use this new DLNA server setting specifically. So right-mouse click on the D7050 in the ‘Playing Now’ view and associate it with the NAD as seen I this screen capture.

And because the NAD renderer is a buggy mess, we also need to right-mouse click on the D7050 in the ‘Playing Now’ view and select ‘DLNA Controller Options and select the ‘Disable SetNext support’ option.

Note: You must restart MC for this to work!


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Re: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 08:39:50 am »

Now, it’s not all roses at the moment, as it stopped working right with two DLNA servers configured in MC 20.0.131. If I back off to a configuration with just 1 DLNA server configured for that fixed L16/48K, then it works consistently.

But it could also be the super-flaky renderer caching info, as on other occasions, the fix was to reboot (power cycle) the 7050 and all of a sudden things that didn’t work now would.

Will move up to v22 in a few days/weeks and re-test.


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Re: MediaCenter specific settings for NAD renderer
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2016, 11:56:33 am »

... And because the NAD renderer is a buggy mess, we also need to right-mouse click on the D7050 in the ‘Playing Now’ view and select ‘DLNA Controller Options and select the ‘Disable SetNext support’ option.

Turns out this is the root of many of the issues I had, the NAD renderer does not support SetNext correctly, so as long as you set that to disabled in MC, it works with either 44 or 48Khz sample rates. And even better, it also works at 24/96 as well. So even though not explicitly listed, high-res LPCM works fine.

So heads-up: Once this unit goes into it's clicking-sounds mode, no amount of changes on the DLNA server will have *any* impact on it. It's stuck in some irrecoverable state that requires a full yank-the-power-cord cold boot cycle to get it back.


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Re: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2016, 01:59:16 pm »

Have you considered connecting to the NAD via USB, optical digital, or coaxial digital?  It should eliminate these weird problems you're seeing and be nice and reliable.



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Re: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2016, 03:13:11 pm »

^^ Thanks, but given its location (a living room), the whole goal of a network streaming integrated amp was to have just one box + speakers.

Now that I've worked through the settings, it works for my purposes of driving it via JRemote. Remember, it's more of a casual system.

If I want to listen to my high-res content, I go to my dedicated HT and listen to it on my huge system featuring MartinLogan Monoliths ;)


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Re: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2016, 07:57:28 am »


I've had my D7050 for a while now and I had been using it with Airplay successfully (although not entirely but not enough issues to cause any worry either).

Last week, I installed MC for the first time and ever since I've been having the same "clicking" sounds issue as you!!!. (thanks to blgentry for pointing me to this thread).

So glad I found this thread. I'm at work now but once I get back home this evening I'm going to try out the fix you've mentioned here.


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Re: Setting up a NAD D 7050 Integrated amp / DLNA renderer with MC
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2016, 09:34:07 am »

Turns out this is the root of many of the issues I had, the NAD renderer does not support SetNext correctly, so as long as you set that to disabled in MC, it works with either 44 or 48Khz sample rates. And even better, it also works at 24/96 as well. So even though not explicitly listed, high-res LPCM works fine.

So heads-up: Once this unit goes into it's clicking-sounds mode, no amount of changes on the DLNA server will have *any* impact on it. It's stuck in some irrecoverable state that requires a full yank-the-power-cord cold boot cycle to get it back.

you are right...that indeed was the root of the problem...i do not have any 24/96 content...almost all of my collection is 16/44.1. But, I can say for certain that for 16/44.1 at least, checking the option "Disable SetNext support" under "DLNA Controller options" will resolve the clicking sound problem...

thank you for figuring this out!
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