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Yate does DFF tagging


I noticed that one can do something quite interesting when using tagging software Yate. It allows for tagging of DFF files. It will happily add ID3v2.4 tags to the .dff music files.

Might this be something MC could adopt? I think this would make +a lot+ of users quite happy... (probably wishful thinking, but think dst compression and the space it would save). I know this deviates from the standard but it doesn't seem to break anything.


A usual rule to follow is simple: when reading try to be lenient and support all sorts of things - but when writing, stick to strict standards and don't invent custom solutions.

Why not use dsf instead, which has tags?

So you could make MC to read the tags but not write them? I can live with that :)
DSF lacks the possibility of DST compression.



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