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MPL Import From -> File -> Import Playlist Imports Single MPL at a time

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Just started using MC 22 for OSX, and am in the process of transferring my library. I am used to importing updated tags on the Windows version using File -> Import Playlist.

However, even though I have selected 100's of MPLs, only a single MPL gets updated, as confirmed from:

Import Summary
Library has `X` files.
Search and update took 0:00.
Imported 1 new file.

I have already read some of the threads on this topic previously, so I am experienced in MPL import vs Auto-import

I have over 300K files to import, and I dont feel like doing them individually. I already have changed the [Filename] on the MPL to match the Unix filepath OSX uses.

Any suggestions how to import more than a single MPL on OSX 10.11.5?

[Just A Quick Edit]
The Files I am looking to update with the MPLs are already auto-imported into the library. The File->Import Playlist Method is to update and or append additional Tags not native to the content in question. IE:

Videos can have [Actors] but Images cannot. So sometimes when I sync a Videos tag from an Image Cover, I like to use .MPL to add some additional non-native fields that I will batch import (File->Import Playlist)

Video [Actors]
Image [IMG_Actors]

Move Copy Fields
[IMG_Actors] -> [Actors]

Why do you have 100s of MPL files?  Are they each playlists or something?

I would suggest that you import a library backup instead.  File > Library > Restore Library .  This will get everything:  Songs, playlists, etc.  It will also over write your existing library, but I'm assuming that's what you want to do anyway since you say you are transferring your Windows library over.


Thank you for your reply.

"Why do you have 100s of MPL files?"

They are for backup fields of a custom rating system I already have in place. Collected from several sources; IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes/TVDB and the sort. Not 10s. 100 of sources

Before, when I had a HDD crash, I had the good sense to export the 300K MPLs to a backup.

The Library is in. There some tags imported with them.

What I want to do is batch import MPLs to update those existing tags not native to the file format.

It can be done on Windows, rather quickly and easily too.

On My Mac, it only does 1 at a time.

I think we are missing each other's points here.

Are you familiar with Library backup and restore?  File > Library > Backup library .  File > Library > Restore Library .  These operations allow you to transfer ALL of the metadata from one MC library to another.  This includes every field defined in MC, including Actors, etc.

If you want to fully transfer all of the fields from one library to another, backup and restore is the right way to do it.  There's no reason to use MPL files.

After the restore to the Mac, you'll need to adjust the file paths since they are necessarily different on Mac and Windows.  You can do this with the Rename, Move, and Copy files tool in UPDATE mode.


No, I totally understand you. Ive done this. Every part. I have imported everything I needed to.
And yes while every field might be imported, newly updated ones, updated from MPL, are not being batched imported from File -> Import.

The issue at hand is not trouble importing files through Auto Import, or even importing a single MPL.
The issue at hand is being able to import multiple MPLs at once on the Mac. I just recorded a video to show this. It will be linked shortly.

I dont want to sidestep the problem, Id like to know if there is some option Im missing that I had before.


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