More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Mac

Cannot Delete or Hide library from tree



I am running MAC JRiver and I have added another library my's called MP3...tried to delete the old one and I cannot delete or hide it??

I tried navigating to the folder that is highlighted when I hover the mouse over the old library but I do not see anything...

Really strange...anyone else have this issue?


Yes, I just had this issue last week, on several views. Keep in mind I came from a windows version, and I had multiple libraries custom for around the house.

I had to do a restore from an older Library backup, delete the bad Library Entirely From File->Library->Library Manager
(Double check to not delete the old backup, they may be named the same),
then restore my views from the .jvi files I had backups from after that Older Backup. I'd try a full logout/restart of MC & OSX, first, to be safe.

Thanks I managed to get this sorted out, but the issue was the fact that I cannot delete the default library...found this out in the documentation after some time.  I love the software and how capable it is but it's not always very intuitive.


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