More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

MC22 constant playback errors

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So I've been playing around with this all at your suggestions, reading a bunch of other posts and trying to educate myself (and then away for work for much of the past month) so apologies for the time lag, but nothing seem to works well. I'm beginning to think its this fanless mini pc I bought and am using thinking it would make a great, quiet dedicated server. Its a Minix Neo Z83-4 running Intel's Cherry Trail Quad-Core processor and 4Gb of RAM. I ran the benchmark tool and it came up a pitiful JRMark of 875! I find that when I get the Playback Problem message, it usually resolves if I restart the computer. Then I might get a few hours or sometime most of a day being able to play files in native mode. And then the error kicks in again.

Wonder if I should build a more powerful fanless PC....

hi, any progress using a minix system for running mc ? Did you get it to work well ? The newer minix systems seem more powerfull..

reg koen


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