More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

Moving JRiver to new computer

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--- Quote from: 221bBS on December 02, 2016, 01:51:56 pm ---File > Library > Back Up Library
Save and move this file to the new computer.

In the New Computer, Open MC22 and File > Library > Restore Library
point it to the backup file

If you have a large library and don't want MC to rebuild the thumbnails, save the thumbnail folder in
%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 21\Thumbnails

and move it to your new computer
%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 22\Thumbnails

--- End quote ---

I dont find any thumbnails in the thumbnailfolder, however I did find pictures in the coverart folder ant tried copying them into the new coverart folder on PC nr 2. Did not work. JRiver only found a small number of covers of my 1500 albums.

Would really appreciate a thorough step by step tutorial on migrating from one PC to another. Having over many years done numerous changes to metadata, including organising music into correct genre, finding correct cover art on the internet etc. I do not want to start over.

Under settings for File Locations, you will find the setting for the cover art location.

There is a wiki topic on Moving Files .

Is it possible to move from one os to another...i.e. from windows to Mac with backup and import is the drive mapping done for the Mac as now I use m p v for music photo video so will this work in the database import? Files are stored on a NAS but are mainly music.

I too would be moving from 22 to 24 ultimately, on multi platform lic would I use 22 on the new Mac initially or 23? I have done the upgrade to 24 purchase already


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