I'm trying to link playlists, specifically smartlists and have had zero success.
I have no other problems with car radio, just the link option.
I really don't care much about the static playlists through, it's the smartlist option I am after so when it changes, so does the car radio.
Does the car radio update when the smartlist changes? If not, then let me know and ignore the rest of this.
I have a lot of smartlists setup and was hoping I could link my favorites to car radio, but no such luck so far.
I've mucked around and out of about 30 attempts I somehow got lucky once and got a static playlist to attach and actually have songs appear.
I have regularly gotten the smartlist names to appear on the button, but never any songs in the list.
The last thing I tried was deleting all Car Radio info from the playlist area so I had completely blank buttons and button count defaulted to 6 empty buttons.
I then right clicked button 1, linked a smartlist and the name appears on the button but zero songs in the list.
Here's a kicker for ya, the playlist section shows songs for the linked smartlist, but no songs are shown in the car radio tab.