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Author Topic: Pi 3 and Media Centre - static and SMB Shares  (Read 2120 times)


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Pi 3 and Media Centre - static and SMB Shares
« on: December 17, 2016, 11:27:08 am »

Hey Folks,

I decided I would get a Pi 3 and give Media Centre a try.  For the most part things are going good but I had a an issue or 2, some fixed, some not.  I am running the latest Raspian Jessie with a headless PI.

I have a NAD C356BEE with DAC module being fed by USB from the PI.   My files are on a NAS so the PI accesses the files via SMB over the network.

Issue #1 - SMB share would not auto mount on reboots but a sudo mount -a would mount it just fine.  After searching a lot and reading lots of fixes I found most were work arounds not fixes.  Here is the fix that has worked reliably for me.

Here is the the line from my /etc/fstab
// /remote/audio cifs username=nas,password=notagoodpass,noauto,x-systemd.automount   0 0

The fix is adding "noauto,x-systemd.automount".
On to Issue #2 - Pops/static and drop outs.
My PI is on wifi and close to my AP so speeds around 70 Mbps and the NAS can do over 500 Mbps to my laptop (wired GE).

1. I am running headless and do NOT have an open session to the PI (uses CPU resources).
2. I have tried the cpu performance tweak.
3. Low bitrate stuff is fine, anything over 3000 bps is when the issues occur.  DSD was worse but not a lot worse considering the data rate is almost double
4. During track changes (by me) mediacenter fades them together and the CPU spikes (a top shows CPU over 100% for a bit), it seems the PI is handling that much data but getting it to the DAC is an issue.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

I also have an Audioquest Dragonfly so I will try that later and I might switched to a wired connection rather than wireless to see if that helps.



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Re: Pi 3 and Media Centre - static and SMB Shares
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2017, 04:12:15 pm »

I turn off the crossfading stuff and set everything to gapless and disable the silence removal for audio playback.
I'd think the wired would work better.
Turn off the spectrum analyzer if your build still allows it to be enabled (new ones don't). It's a cpu hog.

Thanks for the smb trick.
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