The sharing thing crops up every now and then, and while the theory is great, in practice, they just don't fly. We've tried in the past with smartlist sharing threads, expression ideas sharing threads and the like, and after a little initial interest and flurry of activity, the threads die off, ending up buried on page 52 of the forum, forgotten, abandoned, covered in cobwebs.
The main reason for this is, I believe, that a fair few of us have customised the life out of our MCs and barely remember what the defaults are. I often find myself doing a clean MC install on another machine just remind myself what the defaults are for something I'm trying to help with. Custom library fields, and a lot of the stuff that keeps us using MC, and thanking JRiver for selling us such a malliable product, means that a lot of what works for me won't work on other MCs.
Now and again, we can share something that makes a few people go "Wow", as they begin to realise just how flexible MC can be, and often come back with cool new ideas from their inspiration.
Take the "Play Stats" view I shared above. You've seen it right? That "Last Played Calendar" pane is an expression based pane. Here, I used that expression to create a library field which is then available for use in any view I want it. Had I shared the view that way, without replacing the field with the actual expression, it would not have worked for you, it would have been a blank pane.
Now you have it though, you can open it for editing and see how it was created and how it works, which can be invaluable when you're trying to learn what's possible, so there is value in sharing, but don't think those kind of "share your views here" threads are the answer. I think the best approach for everyone looking to learn is to just ask. You'll get help, ideas, explanations of the boundaries (because as vast as the playing field is, it does have boundaries), and maybe even a helpful jvi file to demonstrate a procedure

Glad you found the views useful. Remember you can tweak them to suit, and you don't have to worry about breaking them as you have originals saved in the view picker.