I am currently running the following equipment: USB hard drive music files - to Rasberry pi 3 using Rune Audio - to Meridian Explorer 2 DAC - to headphone amp. I have a license to use JRiver Media Center 22 on my laptop which I previously used to play my music files before getting the Rasberry pi 3. I used JRiver Remote on my Samsung Galaxytab 4 tablet to access and control my files with this setup. I am interested in trying JRiver id pi installed on my Rasberry pi 3 but have a few questions if I do this: (1) Will the JRiver Remote interface on my tablet be the same as far as cover art and the genres I set up on MC22? (2) Will the music be bit perfect? (3) Will the sound quality be better than that delivered by Rune Audio? (4) If I open MC22 on my laptop when music is playing from the Rasberry pi 3, will I see the progress of the song being played along with it's cover art on my laptop?
Thanks, any help would be appreciated,