The auto complete was turned off if I recall correctly because it was slowing down users with slower systems. We originally had it and I loved it - it was what most tagging software has to enable you to use old tags.
Some people started complaining though that it was slowying down their systems so Matt turned it off in one build and it's been gone ever since.
As sad as it sounds, something as little as this made a LOT of difference to how easy it was to tagg my files.
My library started becoming a huge mess fast and I have things like 3 enteries for J. Lo
My library has:
J. Lo
J Lo
Jennifer Lopez
all in it and in order to tidy it I need to bring up a list of all the artists then change it. The new panes help because I can see all the items side by side so can see the other enteries but it's still a big pain in the rear when using the properties window.
Things like this are hard to please everyone with - do u displease the users with the slower computers and turn on this great feature, or do you disable it and poor old me has a really messed up library
The only way to please them all is to go the Zoom player way and let everyone get it how they like it - options options and more options
I'm probably just PMSing because I've been away from all my friends and family for a month and know NO ONE up here. All I do is work all day (usually start around 8.30 am then go home at around 10-11pm). On the weekends I dont know anyone so have very little to do.
Also I haven't been sleeping too well - all in all it's just burning me out - luckily I'm returning home for a week in a week so hopefully I can recover a bit - it's going to be an INTENSE week though - non stop dancing every day for a week - I'm gonna be knackered!!