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Author Topic: Sidecar files not automatically created or read  (Read 3714 times)


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Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« on: February 07, 2017, 08:11:13 pm »

I usually do the tagging with JRiver on my HTPC for audio, video etc...
I sync files with other PCs using freefile sync.
I then import those files in their respective JRiver libraries (content is similar but not the same. Only the same for audio and the settings are different. Which is why library backup/restores are not an option.)
For audio everything is good as I can export/import an MPL playlist and tags are in the files
For Video files, since MC does not tag in files I have 2 issues:
ISSUE #1: For video files, sidecar files only get automatically created for TV files. There doesn't seem to be a way to automatically get them created (I need to force an update tags from library) and it will do it on all files and is taking time)
ISSUE #2: On import on other PCs, Sidecar files don't get read even if they are brand new video files.  (I then need to force an update from tags which is again, taking time and doing it on ALL files)

My request is twofold:

I wish MC would be smart enough to automatically create sidecar files for video files AND automatically read them on import on another PC when present for newly imported video files.

It's actually setup properly under the options as per the snapshot attached.  It just doesn't follow the option when Video is checked. (Well only for TV recordings...)


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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2017, 03:33:56 pm »

I'm not sure this is all correct.

MC will automatically create Sidecar files whenever a video asset is tagged, as long as Sidecars are enabled. You can automatically create sidecars on Import (which I do for all of my video files) by simply tagging them during Import, if you enable the option under Tasks in Auto-Import's configuration to Write file tags.

If you want to make sure that everything gets a sidecar, just set up a very simple Tag on Import rule that tags some value to all the files. I actually have some setups where I made an integer field called CreateSidecar, which I fill with a 1 via a Tag On Import rule, and that ensures that every single file gets a sidecar created. But, if you add any valuable tags of any kind, the sidecars will get written.

I'm not sure under what circumstances MC wouldn't read sidecars on import. It definitely does for me. Are you sure you're not testing with files previously imported into MC? If so, you have to make sure to remove them from the "hidden" Removed Items database or else MC does NOT re-import them (and rather undeletes them, which means they won't get imported via the normal mechanism).
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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2017, 04:19:48 pm »

MC will automatically create Sidecar files whenever a video asset is tagged, as long as Sidecars are enabled. You can automatically create sidecars on Import (which I do for all of my video files) by simply tagging them during Import, if you enable the option under Tasks in Auto-Import's configuration to Write file tags.

This is how I have it setup.  However what ends up happening is my Home videos will get tagged as TV Shows or Movies and when I retag them as Home Videos the sidecar file doesn't get updated unless I force an "Update Tag from Library"
If you want to make sure that everything gets a sidecar, just set up a very simple Tag on Import rule that tags some value to all the files. I actually have some setups where I made an integer field called CreateSidecar, which I fill with a 1 via a Tag On Import rule, and that ensures that every single file gets a sidecar created. But, if you add any valuable tags of any kind, the sidecars will get written.
That's a good idea..I should create a rule on import for the pictures folder that will automatically tag video files as home videos..EDIT: Not sure how to do that though.  Wow that was easy...Let's see if it works!
I wish MC would not tag these as either Home Videos or TV Shows (I posted this before)
I'm not sure under what circumstances MC wouldn't read sidecars on import. It definitely does for me. Are you sure you're not testing with files previously imported into MC? If so, you have to make sure to remove them from the "hidden" Removed Items database or else MC does NOT re-import them (and rather undeletes them, which means they won't get imported via the normal mechanism).
Maybe it does create sidecar files all the time I'll take a closer look on newly imported files that may have been imported before...However one thing I'm sure of is this: The Media sub types on those same files on import are NOT read properly since they don't get tagged as Home videos unless I force an update from tags.  Maybe you can try to replicate from your end with *.mov or *.mts files from phones or cameras?

Thx a lot for tips and help.  I'll try to create a rule but something is still off...



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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2017, 04:33:27 pm »

EDIT: Not sure how to do that though.  Wow that was easy...Let's see if it works!
I wish MC would not tag these as either Home Videos or TV Shows (I posted this before)
Maybe not that simple, I assume it will also tag the pictures with Home Videos sicne they share the same import folder..I don't want that..


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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2017, 05:03:35 pm »

You made me doubt about all this so I rechecked...
I just tested this:
1. Imported pictures with Picasa (for exif reading -> Folder creation otherwise I would only use MC for this step  ;) )
2. Imported in MC
3. Checked for media sub type and sidecar files
4. Rechecked my setup

So no sidecar files were created as per the snapshots attached


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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2017, 06:54:27 pm »

Did you have it write any changes to the tags on import?

Also, to be clear:
* MC won't write sidecars for image files (unless this was added recently while I wasn't paying attention), only the movies.
* You need to write to a field which supports in-file tagging "manually" (which includes Tag on Import rules). This does not include fields parsed automatically by Carnac.
* The field you write to must have in-file tagging enabled (Save in file tags when possible).

That's why I created the [Create Sidecar] field for some of my Libraries and set it to 1 in a Tag on Import rule, because it makes sure there is always a field written.
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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2017, 07:28:53 pm »

Did you have it write any changes to the tags on import?

Also, to be clear:
* MC won't write sidecars for image files (unless this was added recently while I wasn't paying attention), only the movies.
* You need to write to a field which supports in-file tagging "manually" (which includes Tag on Import rules). This does not include fields parsed automatically by Carnac.
* The field you write to must have in-file tagging enabled (Save in file tags when possible).

That's why I created the [Create Sidecar] field for some of my Libraries and set it to 1 in a Tag on Import rule, because it makes sure there is always a field written.

Yes sir thank you!

Followed your instructions, created the rules as per the snapshot and it works great!  Thank you so much!!
Now I will import on another PC and see if it reads the sidecar files created.


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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2017, 07:31:04 pm »

Wondering now if I couldn't use some of this logic to import pictures and create folders based on date the picture was taken to avoid having to use Picasa...


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Re: Sidecar files not automatically created or read
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2017, 07:32:37 am »

glynor how can I create a rule to set Season and Episode as empty?
(Not 0 but Empty?)
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