Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

JRemote iPad App Flashes up and Closes

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Shasta Mike:
I have been thinking about any possible changes since I last used jremote about a week ago before trying again last night and cannot think of anything other than some windows updates.  About four days ago the computer did a reboot to complete some Windows 10 updates.  I only have the critical ones installed.  No other new software installed. 

JRiver is playing using DLNA to my Sony Media Player right now without any issues. 

Update: I just tried relaunching JRemote on my 6S and it works fine.  I didn't do anything the last three hours since updating this thread so no cause/effect to report. 

And, just for grins I checked my iPad which has never worked and now JRemote is working on it too.  I don't know what you did Jim but you are Great!  Everything is fixed.  It is like going to the doctor I guess - once you see him/her everything fixes itself. 


Maybe Steve Jobs did it for you.

Shasta Mike:
After some changes to JRiver I decided to try connecting the iPad with authentication turned on (which would never work in the past).  The problem of JRemote flashing and closing in the iPad started again.  I tried a bunch of things with no luck.  Finally I turned off "Use media networks" on the computer and saved that.  Then I went back in and turned that back on.  Then the iPad worked normally. 


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